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Wind Problem


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So sorry to share this with you but my dogs had liver and veg yesterday and i must say all night and so far all morning they stink... two out of the four have quite severe problems with wind... its cold but got to have all windows open in the lower part of the house. I'm freezing. Was thinking of putting them in garden shed but my heart won't let me... :x :x :x
Ooh, yuck! :x Have you tried charcoal biscuits? It seems to help mine. And air freshener!! :- "
I'll try charcoal biscuits.

Plenty of air freshener going on at moment.

Got builder in so the worst thing is got to keep apologising, its so embarrassing.
It will definately be the builder so don't worry :lol:
Of course it's the builder (w00t) :x How could it possibly be your angels? :oops: :lol:
That's one way of getting your builder to work quickly I suppose! He will probably be so keen to get out of the house away from the dogs that he will do the job in double quick time! :x :D
I agree, it must be the builder (w00t)
Burn some incense or fragrant candle - that seem to work better than air fresheners! I was told that because the gas is a methane and the flame actually burns it, I am not sure about that, but it works. Natural plain yogurt added to their food is good for them should also help. :thumbsup: :luck:

Do not forget to give some to the builder!!!!
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Seraphina said:
Burn some incense or fragrant candle - that seem to work better than air fresheners!  I was told that because the gas is a methane and the flame actually burns it, I am not sure about that, but it works.  Natural plain yogurt added to their food is good for them should also help. :thumbsup:   :luck: Do not forget to give some to the builder!!!!

Just remember not to light the match too close to their rear ends! & that includes the builder :lol: :- "
We have this same windy problem with our lurcher pup. Never had a dog as smelly before :x We've tried granulated charcoal, slippery elm, bio yoghurt & some stuff from the vets, natural bio granules supposed to promote natural function of the digestive system. Nothing works very well , she is a healthy pup apart from this so we are just spending a fortune on insence sticks to cover it up.

Had no builders in but there was a carpet fitter a few weeks ago......maybe it's lingered from then (w00t)