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Wii Fit


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Thinking of buying one of these ,are they all there crakced up to be ,anybody got one think there fab ???or anybody got one thinks there crap ?? anybody got one for sale ?? (w00t)
We have one and its fab!!

Don't have to pay for the gym or anything and can look like an idiot jumping around in your own living room! (w00t)

Its great fun, lots of different things on it and really does give you a work out.

Only thing about it is not too sure how accurate the weight measuerments are but might be because we use ours on the carpet.

Definately worth the money!

Hope this helps hun :thumbsup:
thanks hun iv been thinking about getting one for a while now but wasnt shure if they were that good and im trying to justifies spending another £100 on myself as i got that mario cart and racing wheel yesterday its flipping ace would recomend that is fab game kept me amused for hours it did (w00t)
They are good fun and for all ages. Gets the kids up instead of just playing with a controller too. Just managed to get the wii fit a month ago. Hilarious when there are a few of you ...... (w00t) :- "
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jackie/it said:
They are good fun and for all ages.  Gets the kids up instead of just playing with a controller too.  Just managed to get the wii fit a month ago and that's great too.  Hilarious when there are a few of you ......  (w00t)   :- "
thanks hun ,were did ya get yours from hun :D
We were lucky enough to be walking past a video game store that had just opened that morning (I can't remember the name, sorry) and they had 15 in stock - they had all sold within 45 minutes though ...... :wacko: I'd tried to get my sister one too but they'd only let me buy 1 :angry:
Hi Nicky - I was using this site: Wii fit stock alter for stock alerts when the Wii fit was in. I don't know if it'll help but it might be worth a try if you don't mange to find one close to you. :)
I bought mine from John Lewis. I got mine for £64.95 from the Edinburgh shop.

I know they are £69.95 on the John Lewis website, but out of stock. You could try phoning your local John Lewis to see if they have any in store.

I used mine when I first got it and you could really feel yourself aching after a couple of days of using it!! Not used it for a while as I have not been well but will use it again :- "
All my friends reckon they're GREAT!!!!! :D

You go girl :thumbsup:
(w00t) woohoo just won one on ebay ,should be here tuesday cant wait (w00t) (w00t)
anybody got any other game recomendations ,mine is marion cart and the wheel this is so much fun ,really easy to play im seriously addicted to this game (w00t)
nicky12 said:
Thinking of buying one of these ,are they all there crakced up to be ,anybody got one think there fab ???or anybody got one thinks there crap ?? anybody got one for sale ?? (w00t)

Got one this week after doing some hunting around. Be careful what you pay RRP is £69.99 but they are going for some fantastic prices. Got ours from Argos. They are great fun. The four of us are really enjoying it. Make sure you get the rechargeable battery pack though. Argos were offering a third off if bought with Wii Fit.

Let me know what you think if you manage to find one.
whippetsrus said:
nicky12 said:
Thinking of buying one of these ,are they all there crakced up to be ,anybody got one think there fab ???or anybody got one thinks there crap ?? anybody got one for sale ?? (w00t)

Got one this week after doing some hunting around. Be careful what you pay RRP is £69.99 but they are going for some fantastic prices. Got ours from Argos. They are great fun. The four of us are really enjoying it. Make sure you get the rechargeable battery pack though. Argos were offering a third off if bought with Wii Fit.

Let me know what you think if you manage to find one.

got one coming hun ,just won one on ebay ,will have look now for a rechargeable battery pack :D
nicky12 said:
Let me know what you think if you manage to find one.

got one coming hun ,just won one on ebay ,will have look now for a rechargeable battery pack :D

its amazing nicky best £69.99 we ever spent, as far as i know there isnt to many games that use the board yet, i have heard of a ski-ing one but thats it. but the wii fit game that comes with it has so much to do on it that you will be kept occupied for weeks to come. i dont use mines as much as i should, but we have had it since they came out in march i think, and i have never had to charge the board! (w00t)

so i wouldnt go rushing out to buy the rechargable battery pack just yet.

have fun. :cheers: