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Wiggly Belly


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Pippa's pups have been wiggling constantly for 2 hours. Is this a sign that she might have her pups early? Poor thing is still trying to get to sleep. have been sitting watching bellyvition :))
no there just moving about infact they will go quiet and not move much just before there born they should be moving like jive bunnys now its all perfectly normal laceys bellys been at it for a good week now and we can even sit at the other side of the room and see them gigging about
shame i hoped puppies were near lol!

Im going on holiday on the wednesday before shes due and dont get back till the following monday! i do hope she has them before i go or crosses her legs till i get back, or my mum and sister are going to get all the fun :(

P.S she seems to be er.. (how to put it politely :blink: ) lose in the back end.. a bit baggy i guess is the best way to explain it lol. i guess this is normal
We have canecelled everything to make sure were here for the birth I wouldnt miss it for the world. I am more excietd than i was with my own kids and grandkids lol
code_veronica said:
P.S she seems to be er.. (how to put it politely :blink: ) lose in the back end.. a bit baggy i guess is the best way to explain it lol. i guess this is normal
Well, I'm assuming that dogs are the same as horses in that the mare's pelvic muscles always relax before the imminent birth in order for the foal to be delivered with ease :thumbsup:

This normally seems to happen up to a couple of days before birth with my mare :)

Good luck with the pups :luck: - nice to hear they're a lively bunch :lol:
dont know what you mean by lose in the back end her belly will drop just a day or so before she has them and her vulva should look a bit fatty looking around it but nothing else
code_veronica said:
Pippa's pups have been wiggling constantly for 2 hours. Is this a sign that she might have her pups early? Poor thing is still trying to get to sleep. have been sitting watching bellyvition  :))
You're not too excited then?! :- "