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Why Is My Cat Purple?


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My white cat Dazzle came in splashed all over with purple inky stuff? :eek:

This is him before being bathed.

I have no idea how he got like this, anyone got any ideas? :wacko:

It came off easily in the water and he looks sparking again now :huggles:

if it came off easy could it be juice or off a blackberry bush :blink:

poor thing , hope he hasnt been the target of someones sick joke :(
Well that's what I wondered, but he seems fine and just as thick as normal (he is a cat of very little brain! :p )

What doesn't come over in the pics is that he had it all the way up the back of his hocks, almost as if he had been sitting in it! :eek:

Here he is getting clean again :thumbsup:

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awww bless him :wub:

could be as innocent as kids powder paint thrown out with the rubbish and he thought it was a good place to sit :D
Aww poor puss... :huggles: cant think what on earth it is... :eek:

I do so like the picture in the bath though... :huggles: :wub: :huggles: Dazzle is gorgeous.

and hope it wasnt a sick joke either...
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Ah thanks for your nice comments. Here is Dazzle very unhelpfully plonked amongst the dinner things! :- " obviously none the worse for wear! :lol:

Now that looks more like it.... :lol: :wub:
hes a gorgeous cat whether hes purple or white!one of ours came in the other day completely black.(this is a mainly white cat with a few black splodges) :blink: as our cats dont go out we soon figured out what it was as we followed the trail of soot from the old fireplace in one of the bedrooms.shed been up the chimney! (w00t)
hes very handsome :wub: :huggles: ,glad the colour came off easy :thumbsup:
Awww, doesn't he look different when he's wet (w00t) :wub:

Best thing is that he's OK but it's horrid not knowing what or who caused it :unsure:

It looks a very similar colour to the purple antiseptic spray that is used for wounds on livestock and horses? Do you live in a rural area?
jinnyfizz said:
Awww, doesn't he look different when he's wet (w00t)   :wub: Best thing is that he's OK but it's horrid not knowing what or who caused it :unsure:

It looks a very similar colour to the purple antiseptic spray that is used for wounds on livestock and horses? Do you live in a rural area?

I did think of that Jane, but it dosnt wash off so easily... :unsure:
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theres a lot of it under and around his neck/face and cats rub their cheeks on stuff cos theyve got scent glands there so i dont think someones done it to him i think hes done it to himself :thumbsup:
Is it possibly elderberries or blackberry bushes ?? when hes rubbed amongst them.. :blink:
The purple antiseptic spray doesn't wash off really, so not likely to be that. Agree with what others have said already.

Dazzle is really gorgeous. :wub: :huggles: :wub:
kris said:
theres a lot of it under and around his neck/face and cats rub their cheeks on stuff cos theyve got scent glands there so i dont think someones done it to him i think hes done it to himself :thumbsup:

I think you are probably right Kris - I must ask the neighbours if he came in to any of their houses and made a nuisance of himself recently :b :- "

We live in a cul-de-sac in a market town, I would be very surprised if anyone uses purple antiseptic spray here.

Didn't smell of fruit though, so I think it was unlikely to be berries.

Wonder if someone took a few potshots at him with a paintball gun?
Jazzys dad said:
Hmm.Wonder if someone took a few potshots at him with a paintball gun?

:eek: awww, hope not! sick b*****ds :rant: Id of said blackberry/elderberry rubbing too, I dont think he would nessercary smell of the fruit :thumbsup:
Jazzys dad said:
Hmm.Wonder if someone took a few potshots at him with a paintball gun?

We had a cat & kittens in the hospital recently who we think had been paintballed :rant: They were covered in luminous green stuff that had obviously splattered on impact. It was sort of like a thin plastic type substance, I've never been paintballing but that was the general opinion with these poor cats. It wouldn't wash out & they had to be clipped to get rid of it. :angry:

I'm glad Dazzle is non the worse for his experience, whatever it was. He is lovely :wub: