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Why did my puppy die?


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I got a beautiful puppy, my best friend owned his 'brother' and so i thought it would be a lovely thing to get him, when i had fallen in love with hers! He was described as a teacup pomeranian. I have lots of experience with animals but not with tiny dogs. When i got to the breeders felt very pressured into buying the puppy, I was not 100% about him because he was not as fluffy or bright-eyed and bouncy as hers, but i could not leave him. When i got home i did a HUGE amount of research into the breeder and i finally after a couple of hours found some info that she was a puppy-farm. Completely worried, booked an appointment with my vet for a check-up. His first injection had been faked. He had got a bit of a cough and diarrhoea on the way back from where i picked him up. I told the vet this, he did not seem too worried and said it was probably change in dust. I also mentioned that he got very sleepy all the time, and when he was asleep was very limp. Anyways, he sent me home probably thinking i was paranoid. Pup's cough got a little worse got a drippy nose, and he did like an inside sneeze and a little honk (choke noise) So called the vet again, to book another appointment. However, i took him for a wee outside. He ran around like mad playing :) for about 2 mins. I brought him in, my mum had finished feeding my GSD, i turned my back for 1 min (in the same room) I looked round and he was by my GSD bowl but in a pool of blood. I picked him up and he had no marks on him but blood coming out his nose or mouth. I was so scared and was grabbing my keys to take him to the vet but he died in my arms. As i said i was in the room, there was no noise from either him or my other dog, did not even hear a scuffle, nothing there was not even a scratch or puncture wound or anything on him, absolutley nothing on her. He did not have any saliva on him, i would have thought, even if she played with him rough, there would be wet on him from her mouth. It was a complete surprise!!! I spoke to the RSPCA to report the breeder (just incase it was with the other pups as well) as the breeder had hung up on me. She said that a couple of puppies this week from the same breeder had been hospitalised due to pneumonia. Could it have been this? He is having an autopsy. But 2 weeks til results and i am besides myself! I just pray that my other dog did not do something, she is used to puppies and kittens!
hi, sadly i think "teacup" dogs are often very poorly bred, and often even the forced runts of the litter, which are created by getting the bitch pregnant at the begininning and end of her cycle to create puppies that are a week or so younger than their litter mates. In effect premature... These pups often go on to have problems with breathing and feeding properly. Many die in their first year. It is a despicable practise, and i am sorry for you that this has happened. I've read a few stories like yours, whilst trying to research teacups and tiny crosses, to convince my friend not to get one....

I think you would know in your heart, and by the behaviour of your gsd if she had been responsible. If your gsd is used to puppies and you heard nothing, then i would say your pup had some kind of terrible medical event, that was not your other dogs fault. I hope that an autopsy provides you some answers, and i'm really sorry this has happened. I would keep pestering the rspca, and anyone else you can think of (local mp, paper, police, local council dogwarden)to get this breeder stopped, and raise awareness of horrible breeders creating tiny puppies for maximum profit.

I do hope you are able to get over this terrible thing, it must have been awful for you, i'm really sorry, :(
What a horrible experience for you, I feel so sorry that this had to happen.

I don't think your GSD was responsible. If the puppy had been bitten, it would have screamed or made some noise and puncture wounds tend to bleed very little, if at all.

You knew yourself, or suspected, that the puppy was very sickly from the beginning and your instincts were telling you all was not well. It isn't normal for a puppy to cough and sneeze and it does sound as though your pup could well have had pneumonia, or some other virus picked up from the litter mates.

Please don't blame yourself in any way. I don't think your poor pup ever really had chance.

These backyard breeders have such a lot to answer for.

Susan x
So very sorry to read this, sadly it isnt a rare occurance with pups from these diabolical farms . It sounds to me that you did everything you possibly could , taking responsible action in seeking Veterinary advice .

I also doubt it was anything to do with your other dog, you would have heard a noise from both of them and your dog would have had blood on him so please dont blame yourself even though it must be so distressing for you and I hope that the autopsy gives you some peace of mind, so very sorry .

I'm very sorry to hear your sad news. Sadly this is becoming an all too often occurrence. I hope that the autopsy provides some answers.
Oh God I hate puppy farmers :rant:

So sorry to hear about your little one, so sad.
I am so, so sorry!!! :(

Your other dog didnt do anything... Your pup sounds like she was very poorly from an absolutely appalling breeder!
I'm sorry for your loss, so awful when these things happen :( Did your vet do a thorough examination when you first took him in? I'm very surprised they didn't see something wrong with him from the symptoms you mentioned, and "a change in dust" is something I've never heard being a cause of coughing and diahorrea.

I imagine money is not at the forefront of your mind, but some people have been successful in taking these breeders to court and if you have the energy, it might be worth it just to have a judgement made against them and to draw attention to their terrible practices.

Also, you may be able to find some help and support here:
I'm so sorry for you and the puppy. I don't know if the vet could have done anything, but am surprised he wasn't more concerned.

The things that spring to my mind re bleeding are liver disease, warfarin (rat poison) and hemorrhage ... too many possibilities