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Who Picked Your Dog?


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a sentence i read on a site today has had me thinking all afternoon - it said dogs dont get to decide where they live - mostly we pick them and they have no say in the matter.

and i thought about it, and i realised that yes, i chose Digit - he and his breeder decided that he would live with me.

but Digit and Bloggs chose each other ..... and that's why bloggs joined the family.

If he and Dij hadn't totally adored each other, i know i would not have picked Bloggs.....not because there's anything wrong with him :wub: but in my head i was looking to get a small pedi bitch.....Bloggs is a largeish non-ped dog!

so i got to wondering how the rest of you aquired your dogs .... I'm sure most people do what i did with Digit; find a dog you like for whatever reason, and then buy/adopt it ..... has anyone else have a dog pick them? or homed a dog that their own dog has chosen?

it truly was love at first sight wasnt it charlie! taken you all a long time to get where you all wanted to be but you got there in the end hun :huggles:
well al i can say is my last 3 dogs picked me from this forum,i wasnt out looking to get another then another then another,i saw their faces on here and thought they was lovely and then something kept niggling me,i lasted a week with each case but still they waited for me :)

kiplin was advertised and we only had a description of him a week later i phoned the breeder and said your dog for sale i would love to have him,that weekend we was on a 200 mile drive :lol: :lol:

we chose both our girls :))
my blue dog was the only one left in the litter he came from scotland and nine years later hes still here.we normally go for the one with agrresion and its worked out well up to now. 8) :lol:
I'm not sure I exactly 'chose' any of my dogs, I think they mainly chose me! I feel extremely lucky - considering my dogs are a real mixed bunch of ages, types and sizes and all basically 'arrived' here, they are the most affectionate, good natured lot you could imagine with people and with each other.

Molly, my greyhound, came to me 10 years ago when my children were small. My priority obviously was to find a dog that would be OK with little ones and I expected to have to search for some time for the right dog. As it happened, the very first rescue I called had a dog who'd been in a home with a toddler and had been brilliant with him. She had been returned to rescue just a couple of days before I called because of a change in the family's circumstances. We met her, she was wonderful and she came home with us a few days later :wub:

With Taz, someone called me to see if I could help with a 'small greyhound' who was distressed in kennels at an 'animal sanctuary'. I went along to see him, and was very unhappy with the conditions the animals were kept in and the way they were rehomed (unneutered, unvaccinated, no proper checks). Taz, (not a 'small greyhound but a very skinny, scared saluki lurcher) was so depressed and frightened, having seen him I just couldn't leave him there. I brought him home determined that if things didn't work with us I'd find him a place with a decent rescue. 5 years on he's still here and is my bestest mummies boy o:)

Meg came abut as the result of some friends who run a greyhound rescue teasing me that it was about time I took another greyhound. I said (joking) that I couldn't manage another big dog, but if they found me a whippet I'd take it. The next day I had a call saying one of their volunteers had pulled a tiny whippet/terrier out of the pound as she was just about to be pts - would I be interested. So somehow Meg arrived - much more small hairy terrier than whippet, but a fantastic little character who is the ringleader in mischief and clown of my bunch and keeps me constantly amused :lol:

Musky came as a foster dog for the Oldies Club. He walked in here, was brilliant with the other dogs right from the start, affectionate, well behaved and (despite being a great big lump) is absolutely no trouble to have around. I think it took us about 4 days to decide the great big cuddly teddy-bear wasn't going anywhere. :p

Sophie is my 'just for me' dog. I wasn't looking for another dog, but I saw her picture on a rescue site and simply fell in love. I don't know why - I could look on the same site any day of the week and see 20 dogs who are all beautiful, but something about Sophie got to me. It wasn't even a good picture, she's much prettier in real life, but I kept going back for another look, and just couldn't believe she was slipping down the pages with no interest in her whatsoever. Eventually I had to send an e-mail - just asking about her and whether our family and dogs would suit her - and within a week she was here. She's the sweetest little angel ever and I adore her totally. :wub:
I chose Buffy because she was the cockiest pup in litter and an escape artist in her pen.

I chose Riley because he was striking to me as a new born. :wub:

Nell clung to her Mum's coat tails like glue so she wasn't going anywhere.

Jeebs would refuse to say hello to any potential owners and insisted on following me round and being the best behaved puppy in the world. So I guess he picked me. He's still eager to please now, bless him.

Dobs was put to destiny, Vicky said I was having a pup, I said I would providing it was a black & white male (always wanted one) First born pup black & white male :cheers:
I phoned a man out of the local paper and he said he would bring her round for me to view.My husband had been hardwork alllowing me to get a dog so as soon as I saw the advert I phoned.All the rules of buying a dog went out the window. :b OH only said yes the night before (w00t) The man turned up and came into the kitchen carrying what looked like a baby deer!!!He passed Grace to me and she clung on to me,her head hidden in my chest.We decided I would have her.I then went to pass her to the man whilst I got some money and she scremed and screamed until he gave her back to me.She stopped as soon as I held her. :D Bless her little whippy socks.So Grace had decided she was staying with me no matter what.Now she is my little shadow and true soul mate. :wub:
i didn't want a whippet but my mum did, so when this blue whippet dog was desperate for a home, i thought "i suppose he is all right for a scragg end, he will do for mum and i can get a 'proper' dog later" :lol:

Alfie had other idea's, HE decided the I was HIS!! and that he would follow me round like a sorrowful shadow and kick up a hysterical fuss when i left him and wear me down and wear me down and wear me down untill i finally admitted that i actually loved him right back :wub: :D

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When I went to buy a Lurcher I wanted a broken coated bitch under 23". I looked at the litter and they got the bitch puppies out but one brindle puppy kept climbing out the pen and making his way to me so thats how when I went back to pick a puppy up I ended up with Merlin a smooth coat Dog who ended up over 23 inches (w00t)

Shera my Greyhound picked me at 8 weeks and despite being in kennels for the first 16 months of her life she was always mine. On sundays when I went to walk her she wouldnt eat until I had been. She really was a greyhound in a million and I still miss her so so much.
FeeFee said:
I'm not sure I exactly 'chose' any of my dogs, I think they mainly chose me! I feel extremely lucky - considering my dogs are a real mixed bunch of ages, types and sizes and all basically 'arrived' here, they are the most affectionate, good natured lot you could imagine with people and with each other.

Molly, my greyhound, came to me 10 years ago when my children were small. My priority obviously was to find a dog that would be OK with little ones and I expected to have to search for some time for the right dog. As it happened, the very first rescue I called had a dog who'd been in a home with a toddler and had been brilliant with him. She had been returned to rescue just a couple of days before I called because of a change in the family's circumstances. We met her, she was wonderful and she came home with us a few days later :wub:

With Taz, someone called me to see if I could help with a 'small greyhound' who was distressed in kennels at an 'animal sanctuary'. I went along to see him, and was very unhappy with the conditions the animals were kept in and the way they were rehomed (unneutered, unvaccinated, no proper checks). Taz, (not a 'small greyhound but a very skinny, scared saluki lurcher) was so depressed and frightened, having seen him I just couldn't leave him there. I brought him home determined that if things didn't work with us I'd find him a place with a decent rescue. 5 years on he's still here and is my bestest mummies boy o:)

Meg came abut as the result of some friends who run a greyhound rescue teasing me that it was about time I took another greyhound. I said (joking) that I couldn't manage another big dog, but if they found me a whippet I'd take it. The next day I had a call saying one of their volunteers had pulled a tiny whippet/terrier out of the pound as she was just about to be pts - would I be interested. So somehow Meg arrived - much more small hairy terrier than whippet, but a fantastic little character who is the ringleader in mischief and clown of my bunch and keeps me constantly amused :lol:

Musky came as a foster dog for the Oldies Club. He walked in here, was brilliant with the other dogs right from the start, affectionate, well behaved and (despite being a great big lump) is absolutely no trouble to have around. I think it took us about 4 days to decide the great big cuddly teddy-bear wasn't going anywhere. :p

Sophie is my 'just for me' dog. I wasn't looking for another dog, but I saw her picture on a rescue site and simply fell in love. I don't know why - I could look on the same site any day of the week and see 20 dogs who are all beautiful, but something about Sophie got to me. It wasn't even a good picture, she's much prettier in real life, but I kept going back for another look, and just couldn't believe she was slipping down the pages with no interest in her whatsoever. Eventually I had to send an e-mail - just asking about her and whether our family and dogs would suit her - and within a week she was here. She's the sweetest little angel ever and I adore her totally. :wub:

I soo enjoyed reading about your babies & seeing their piccys made it all real.

Beautiful dogs & well done you for helping so many :huggles:
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After our dalmation Ludo died my OH said "No more dogs!!" So 3 weeks later (well, it was Christmas) off I went to the dogs home. I know the people who run it & they showed me a lovely lurcher bitch who had 7 puppies aged 6-7 weeks. I would have had the bitch but as I've got cats I wasn't sure how she'd be with them, but the pups were :wub: . A right mixed bunch, as I was looking at them Mum stood up & her & 6 of the pups came running to me. The 7th pup took one glance at me & then nipped under mum for an extra feed :- " It was as tho she was thinking well you'll still be there when I've finished my lunch. That was Hebe at 7 weeks, a very self opinionated, stubborn little girl. She still sticks 2 fingers up at me now sometimes but I love her to bits.

About 18 months later I asked the people at the home to look out for a scruffy grey lurcher pup. They did & off I went to see him. Well he was a pup, he was grey & he was very very scruffy. Thin, matted & hairy. But he wasn't a lurcher, he grew into Rafferty the bedlington.

Our 3rd dog Scrumpy literally turned up on my doorstep one day. My friend found her wandering on a busy road & was going to take her to the police station. We found out that her so called owner was an alky & must have forgotten he had a 10week old pup at home & gone out & left the door open :rant:

Instead of going to the horrible police kennel my friend phoned me (from the end of my road :- " ) & asked if I'd look after the pup for a few hours while she found somewhere for her.

That was nearly 2 years ago so it looks like she's staying :lol:

It was his loss & definately our gain, she is a very loving girl :wub:
7 yrs ago dad went to buy a sable gsd (w00t) and came home with a jet black one with a tiny splash of white on her chest :- " sophie :wub:

kc the lab was the last in a litter of police sniffer dogs (miss mating so all went to pet homes) she is 6yrs now.

libby :wub: the bichon sort of picked us, :thumbsup: she kept coming over as if to say take meeeeeeeeeee :thumbsup: so elisha wanted her and she is 9 months old now.

lolly :wub: our black whippet pup, was one of 3 girls in the litter and sally (breeder) was keeping 2, :- " so we was having who ever she didnt keep :unsure:

dad did tell her if given the option he would go for the black girlie :thumbsup: and as she didnt want to pick she let us have little lolly the black girlie :thumbsup:

and gracie :wub: our fawn girlie we saw in k9 and my mum just fell in love with her :wub: :thumbsup:

i have just realised i have not picked a single dog in our house of 5 :- " :- "

thats not fair :(

maybe have to put that right :- "

6 is a better number than 5 :lol: :thumbsup:
Chelsea chose Nick

Dawn chose us for Savannah, then she chose Teya for us (yes there is a difference).

The second we walked through the door and met Savannah we knew Dawn had made the perfect match (thanks Dawn!!) and she was the one we would have chosen. Then when we went back to get Teya again once Teya was in my arms she was my dog... no looking back.

Jasper was the last in the litter he came in jumped on OH's knee and wee'd on him .OH said thats it we've got to have him.

Owen came over from Ireland with his brother and sister we had the choice of the 2 dogs and Owen was the one we chose.

Tegan -her breeders were let down by someone who had booked her I phone to ask about something else and they asked if I knew anyone after a bitch pup.A month late Tegan flew over to Manchester with he siser who we were picking up fo someone else

Bandit had been bought by a friend of ours we borrowed him at a show for Ben to handle as Tegan was playing up and Ben as loosing his confidence with her .Bandit came home with us and never went back. He followed Ben round all day and was not at all bothered that his owner was there

Rosie Blade Angel and Nathan were all bred by us I chose Rosie and her daughter Angel OH chose Blade and Nathan just became sort of part of the furniture and stayed as well :- "

Zoe arrived because we lost out GSD and OH wanted a 'proper 'dog it was a choice betwen a gold cocker or an irish setter .We went to look at Zoe's litter they ha 2 bitches but wanted to keep 1 for them selves but as they liked them both and couldn't make their mind up the gave us the choice. Zoe came running to us and was much more confident than her sister and I didn't tink a timid dog would cope with my lot
:oops: forgot William he came over from Ireland he was the last one left and was 8 months old his breeder would have kept him but needed the room in the kennels so he came to us as I looking for a greyhound to show
well with Jan it was more fate than choice , i had been ringing her breeder on and off for a couple of months looking for a FAWN whipet , eventually in nov 03 she said she had a brindle bitch available , i must say i was slightly dissapointed she had no fawns , so when i went to look at jan i was a little cautiouse , as soon as i walked in the most beautifull brindle girl was waiting for me :wub: and as most of you know my favourite colour now is brindle :D

Bliss , well as she was the only girl in the litter and i only have girls i really didnt have a choice :- " but i wouldnt swap her for the world :wub:

with having kids my main priority is temprament and i have to say that Jan and James have passed on there wonderfull natures to there babies :wub:
I had wanted a dog from about the age of five when I met my Aunt's dog Hugo for the first time. I was utterly desparate for a dog all through my childhood but my parents were not 'animal' people and didn't want me to be distracted from schoolwork(!!!!!). I begged for years. I was one of those sad kids with a teddybear on a dogs lead....

Then in my first year of Uni I passed all my exams; I came home on the bus and told my Mother I wasn't going back for a second year unless I could have a dog. It worked!! She reluctantly agreed but she was famous for changing her mind in cruel ways :( . So I caught another bus to the dog home straight away. They had a litter of six lab/lurcher pups but wouldn't show them to me because I lived with my parents and their permission was needed.

It was the longest 12hours of my life until we could get back to the dogs home with said parent in attendance. The man there held all six up in his hands, three in each arm and told me to pick one. I had a split second to decide so I picked the one that looked at me :huggles: That was Seby :huggles:

He definitely had greyhound and labrador in him. He was black with a white chestpiece. We did EVERYTHING together and he slept in my bed. He died at 12.5 years old from cancer of the jaw but he'll always be my Doofie :wub:

I also had a secret dog. This was a few years ago when I'd been promised a puppy from a litter and arrived to meet her for the first time only to be told she'd been sold to someone else! I can only imagine it was simply because they were offered more money! They even kept the name I had given her!!! I was devastated for months and went on to watch her very successful show career and motherhood with real sadness at how money-grabbing and nasty some people can be.
We chose Dolly, I had been researching into whippets for about a year before we felt ready that we had everything sorted. I looked up all the breeders in Scotland and then went and had a look at all the websites. When i came across a picture of Dolly. Dolly was Emma and Darrens pick of the litter and Darrens first dog who he was going to train from a pup. Unfortunately for them when she got to 7 months she was still very small and hadn't reached 17.5". I read the description of her as a lively young pup and boy she was!! My husband saw the pic and wasnt sure but there was something in her eyes that i feel in love with.

When we when to see her Emma and Darren were so good and answered all our questions. Dolly was racing around like a manic and we both loved her. A couple of weeks later she came to live with us.

A year later we decided we were ready to get Dolly a friend. I said to my husband he could decide what we were getting and he decided on another female She was supposed to be black but we had no, luck. Anyway Emma and Darren had a litter and we chose a liitle female (brindle) just after after she was born. Unfortunately due to complications during birth the two females didn't make it. Emma said we could have a male but now Jayse wanted a female, we looked and we just didn't get the same feeling. We went back to visit Emma and darren to see how the boys were doing and there were two left. I looked at Mojo and thought he was so cute as was his brother and said to Jayse what about a boy? It was when Mojo came and layed next to Dolly and they both fell asleep together that i couldn't say no and now we have Mojo!! We love him to pieces and love having a boy now!!
As Skipper was a rescue, the greyhound rescue lady picked him for us, but he is lovely! His foster parents bought him to the greyhound stand at a local show to meet us, and we took him for a walk around the grounds. When we got back to the greyhound stand they said we could take him home that day, which was a bit of a shock, but great all the same!

We've had him for a month now, and he seems to have settled in fine, but we're still thinking of getting a second now, a female, so he has a companion... :D
When we went to get benji, we were all overwelmed at all the dogs (the home was basicly a big farm filled with dogs!) I wanted a german shepherd, my mam wanted a corgi bitch but that bit her and my dad n brother wanted a Old English Sheepdog. The next thing we are taking benji for a walk and then home!! to this day we dont know who actually picked him. But we are glad he came.

Also our dog was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and my dad worked for this couple. they were emigrating and cudn't take the dog, so mam n dad took him on. Poor lil fella was waiting in his bed with a list of all his special food and his toys and lead, at the front door! :huggles: