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Who Is This Enjoying Retirement In The Sunshine?

June Jonigk

Active Member
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Lots of you will remember I'm sure, who this dog is pictured here enjoying retirement. Great to see her looking so good.

Is it the :wub: :wub: PEARLWAY SERENA June :D :D
10 out of 10 Mandy. I can see where our little Candy's cute face comes from - her great grandmother Serena, who will be 17 in November. I still remember the first time we saw her running at Old Hall on the bend, and she took my breath away. I said to Steve I would love to have one of her pups - and we were lucky that my wish came true and we had Dangermouse. I've always liked the small whippets, and Serena's line didn't disappoint, as we have some weeny girls and the boys are 23lbs and under. We have a lovely little family, and all thanks to the lovely Serena :wub:
Mandy phoned me tonight & said who is the dog in June's pic, I said I had not been on k9 but would have a look. As soon as I saw her I said Pearlway Serena, Mandy said that Derek thought the same.

Must say she's looking fantastic for an oap :wub: Long may she enjoy her retirement!
Nice to see she's still going. She must be about 17 surely! I remember her and Fly being top dog and bitch at the same time. She was a prolific Supreme winner though and just beat Fly for Top Ten that year. Its lovely to see such a great little racer still enjoying life :D
Mandy phoned me tonight & said who is the dog in June's pic, I said I had not been on k9 but would have a look. As soon as I saw her I said Pearlway Serena, Mandy said that Derek thought the same.Must say she's looking fantastic for an oap :wub: Long may she enjoy her retirement!
Of course you have some of her family too Diane :thumbsup: