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Who Did This To Jack?


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I simply don't understand - how much does it cost to feed one dog? Then why leave him outside a rescue when it's too late to save him?

Someone must know who this dog belonged to. I just hope the owner is traced and brought to (what passes for) justice :rant:

**Warning - upsetting pictures in link**

RIP little Jack :(
Poor Jack , words fail me :(

How anyone could be so cruel is beyond my understanding :(
OMG what a horrendous time that poor lurcher had in it short life

words dont fail me but i cant write what i would like to say,

if anyone has got the time or money why on earth dont they take these poor dogs some where

to make sure someone does just sickens me this
Too sickening for words, that poor poor dog, cannot believe anyone would be so cruel x
I really wish I hadn't looked at those photo's :angry: ..... they brought more than a few ters to my eyes :( . How could anyone be so cruel and heartless to let such an awful thing happen to a poor defenceless creature. There is no excuse for this, whoever is responsible deserves to rot in hell.

RIP LITTLE JACK ....your suffering is at last over xxx
cant say anything, i feel sick! poor little jack at least he is a peace now and as for the bastards who did this hope u end up alone and old and suffering like this boy did :rant:
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There really is absolutely no excusing that level of neglect, I truly hope that whoever done this to this poor boy rememberss this as they lie alone and suffering some day with nobody caring or helping, That would be Karma.
feel sick the poor little thing hope they find the BASTARD who did this
Simply appalling. Poor little thing. How can anyone be so cruel. I hope they find whoever did this.
This is horrendous. This poor lads gorgeous little face is so like our whippet cross rescue that I feel physically sick that she could have ended up like this. I would happily shoot the bastards that are responsible. Rest In Peace Jack.
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Words fail me. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Rest in peace little Jack and run free. :(
Sickening to the core and very upsetting. I hope they find this sick f*ckin bastard :rant: :rant: :rant: R.I.P Jack at least he is at peace now.His little face :wub:

It just gets worse what is wrong with people? :rant: KARMA is the key......
This is absolutly disgraceful :rant: :rant: :rant: - i hope the bastard that did this gets caught and bought to my house - i would f****ng show them what suffering is.....I am so mad, that poor little dog should never have gone throught that, what the hell is wrong with people, not just the owners but their friends....why didnt they do something or say something to someone - surely someone seen this poor dog going through this other than the bastard that owned it. :rant: :rant:

RIP little fella, you truely diserve the peace you will now have xxxxxx :*
SICK SICK SICK BASTARD--Id Hang the CREEP who done this to Jack, and if he or she lived near me, Id Be Jailed up for what id do to the piece of SHIT.! Horrendous
such suffering this poor dog has had to endure. :( i felt physically sick seeing those pics and i know theyll haunt me,rest in peace little one, no more suffering
Poor Jack , words fail me :(
How anyone could be so cruel is beyond my understanding :(

:'( :'( :'(

Run free dear little Jack xxx

hope the people that did this to you rot in hell......
I cant bring myself to click on the link after reading the replies :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

RIP Jack, Run free xxxxxx
:rant: what a scumbag the owner must have been , I hope they have along and painfull death too
This post and its terrible images have stayed with me all day.

I have just looked on the Whitehall Rescue Centre's website and am both dismayed at seeing that the West Yorkshire Police have 'drawn a blank' as regards finding the people responsible, but chuffed to see that a buoyant Facebook group - 'Justice for Jack' exists and has a growing reward. (not facebook savvy - can someone give a link?)

This dog must have been known to others, and someone in his life must have been a minute bit bothered by his state to have dropped him at the door of a dog rescue - albeit way way too late, but someone with a slight conscience has been involved with him and I wonder if the police could do just a little bit more to find the perpetrators.

BIG BIG respect to the Whitehall Rescue Centre - what a hideous situation to have had to deal with - looking at him, I think he was probably too far gone to save - entirely the responsibility of his owners.

I'd love to think that this image would be make it to the national press, but it is so so disturbing that I think they'd have to decline - it's extremely upsetting. Given the public's outrage at the 'cat in the wheelie bin' and the 'abandoned Ginger'stories, I'd love to see the public rally to have these heartless b------s brought to court/linched!

Rest in Peace poor Jack- free now x
It is absolutely sickening, I just can't imaging who could inflict such suffering to an animal. Poor little Jack, if only they had handed him over to a rescue if they no longer wanted him rather than be so cruel. Cases like these make me so :rant: :rant: