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Hi, this knock came at the door this morning, as soon as i opened it i cracked out laughing, spittin immage of norman wisdom, twas the gas board come to service my boiler, anyways he took to jill straight away, and then asked me her name, can you believe this, i couldnt for the life of me damn well remember, and i fell in a heap on the floor pmsl, was this a mental block :lol: or am i going mental, go on tell me, i wont be offended :lol:

You've not been a well boy Keith - just a mental block :huggles:
yeah ya just mental keithy boy (w00t)

I think we all get them Keith! I once couldn't remember which was my toothbrush - even though there were 5 different colours :eek: I've also forgotton my pin number at the cashpoint machine even though I've had it for about 5 years - a bit alarming when it happens!! :blink:
Happens to us all - I forget the word I want to use sometimes - and as I get older it's happening more and more :lol:

I thought you'd forgotten something today :thumbsup:
i forget things all the time :b the worst one is when im trying to call one dog and go through all my other dogs names before i get to the one i want!! it even makes me laugh out loud (w00t) people around me walking their dogs must think im mad :- " :lol:
Nah - you're no more mental than the rest of us mate :cheers: