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Whippets And Cats


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Hi just a quick question does anybody who races their whippets have cats, and if so how do they get on with them, I,m only asking as i have cats, and a retired greyhound bitch who needs a friend, as she has never been on her own, I lost my other greyhound bitch last year and she is very nervous now when we are out. I was hoping to rehome a whippet but just wondered if racing ones would live with cats. My greyhound never raced she doesn,t do chasing, likes lying on the couch mostly ;) Cats are dog savvy and don,t stand any nonsense the old one is definately the boss :thumbsup: Thanks for your help.
My whippets haven't raced and live happily with my cat. Don't know about racers BUT most whippets that need rehoming through rescues such as Scruples Whippet Rescue have been pets not racers so it shouldn't be a problem to find a cat friendly one anyway. My whippet x saluki rescue, Emmy, is fantastic with my cat.
I have 4 whippets which all race plus a cat & they all live happily together but I got my dogs as pups & cat was already with us the cat will even go and sleep with dogs in there cages (w00t) ...... The cat is also the boss lol !
I have 3 racing whippets the 3 yr old is very keen on cats he is very hard to walk as he is allways looking for them . My 5 yr old and 11 month pup are fine with cats if one comes up to them in the street they wag there tails and dont bother :sweating: . I dont walk the cat killer :angry: with the two cat friendly dogs cos i dont want bad habits to rub of. So theirs two racing whippets that are ok with cats is there anymore (w00t)
Our lot hate cats, got loads of Davy Crockett hats :clown:
We have racing whippets and have always had a cat live quite happl'y with ours but dont like strange cats.
We have racing whippets and have always had a cat live quite happl'y with ours but dont like strange cats.
Same here, although I don't have cats now, when I did there wasn't any problems. If anything the dogs used to protect my old cat from the local hard knock moggies. Like Les and Linda's they couldn't stand strange cats especially if they had the cheek to come in our garden.

Got to say that non-peds generally have a strong urge to please their owners, something I think has been retained in the breeding from when they used to run to their owners waving a rag. For this reason I would say that they'd be more tolerant to accept a cat than say a greyhound where there's a very strong urge to Chase.

I have non-peds, Peddy Whippets and a racing bred greyhound. Out of all of them I would say the greyhound would be the hardest to train, even so she was incredibly composed when a Chihuahua cross attacked her ankle but I think this was because she knew Tony wouldn't be happy if she ate it!
my retired greyhound is terrified of little dogs, she once got chased by a papillion very embarrasing, took me half an hour to catch her after that :blink: i,ve had whippets before but they weren,t ex racing whippets,
My old racing whippet is terrified of cats and was tormented

by the stable yard cats who used to chase her much to

my shame and the amusement of the other people on the

yard:teehee: - unlike her 2 daughters who I kept who hate

cats, the other bitch in the litter lived very happily with

4 cats, 2 ferrets and 6 free roaming hens but was a very

keen racer. Although my dogs will chase cats/rabbits/squirrels

pheasants/deer etc etc when Sal was younger and had G.Pigs

hamsters/rats they all totallyaccepted them as part of their "pack"

They would look in the G.Pigs hutches and steal any food/veg

(or eat their poo (w00t) ) but never ever tried to eat the piggies.

It really depends on the individual dogs nature - even though

most (not all) of mine will run after "furries" I know from experience

not all of them have the killing instinct they seem to enjoy the

chasing but dont actually harm anything they chase/catch, and the

ones that do kill are different - some clear off and eat whatever they

have caught, while others bring the catch back to the "pack" and

I have another that buries everything she catches.

A lot of whippets are re-homed because they wont "chase"

good luck in finding the right dog.

Thanks for all your replies, my greyhound never raced because she didn,t chase so hopefully i,ll find a whippet that doesn,t chase as well who needs a good pet home. If anybody knows of any in the County Durham area who need a home please let me know. Thanks. :)
I have 4 whippets which all race plus a cat & they all live happily together but I got my dogs as pups & cat was already with us the cat will even go and sleep with dogs in there cages (w00t) ...... The cat is also the boss lol !
Yes thats true Craig, gets put out cat stays in :lol:
