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Whippet Racing Muzzles


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I have tried all my local pet shops and cannot find a Whippet Racing Muzzle.

It is for my grumpy Whippet who is getting worse and worse around other dogs on walks.

I have tried one of the nylon ones but he can get it off so easily so I'm wanting one of the basket types.

Any ideas where I can purchase one?
hi kirs if you get in touch with vicky from the non ped section she used to sell them
You should try Jan's Greyhound Shop in Rayleigh, Essex. She has a website and you can order muzzles from that. Brilliant shop with everything the discerning Whippet needs!

Janet said:
You should try Jan's Greyhound Shop in Rayleigh, Essex.  She has a website and you can order muzzles from that.  Brilliant shop with everything the discerning Whippet needs!

Thats the links I put on above :thumbsup:
Hi kirs,

I just got one from Jans gift Plastic basket type its brilliant, can relax walking again!! :thumbsup:
I've got loads in if you want one £4.00 free p & p

They come in Red, Blue, White, Black and Orange
Thanks everyone.

I have ordered one from Vicky.