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Whippet Racing And Staring Death In The Face.


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We have whippet fun days and they are becoming popular photographic opportunities as we allow photographers on the track. Most of the time the whippets dodge us. :) It sure gets your adrenalin up.




Brakes! Brakes! hit the brakes!

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well, thanks for at least looking, I will know next time not to bother you with my photos.
Brilliant photography :thumbsup: shame my OH cant take pics like that for some reason i can't get the fourth photo up? probably this computer. We've just strated racing its great fun and the dogs love it. looks like you had lovely weather as well :thumbsup:
Only just seen this!!!!!!!!! Photo taking on the track???????? You must be mad. Great shots though, nothing like whippets doing their thing. :thumbsup:
Incredible Krislin, I wish we could do that here but I fear there would be a health and safety outcry :(
thanks all for commenting, I was feeling like an outcast for a while there, so many views and no comments.

Actually the whippets were pretty good, almost all completely dodged us. A couple of times we had to move, or turn our faces, and cover cameras but overall they were amazingly observant and agile, taking in all their surroundings, and I think it was worth the risk for the photos, we must have looked funny though, there were 3 of us all belly down on the track, like a wall of paparazzi. Not sure I'd do it in front of a greyhound though. :lol:
thanks all for commenting, I was feeling like an outcast for a while there, so many views and no comments.
Actually the whippets were pretty good, almost all completely dodged us. A couple of times we had to move, or turn our faces, and cover cameras but overall they were amazingly observant and agile, taking in all their surroundings, and I think it was worth the risk for the photos, we must have looked funny though, there were 3 of us all belly down on the track, like a wall of paparazzi. Not sure I'd do it in front of a greyhound though. :lol:
Having been pole axed by my greyhound, not worth the risk!!!!!! She was running flat out towards me so I just stood still and bang, she hit me and down I went!!!!! I din't think they have much between their ears, unlike a whippet!!!!!! :)
thanks all for commenting, I was feeling like an outcast for a while there, so many views and no comments.
Actually the whippets were pretty good, almost all completely dodged us. A couple of times we had to move, or turn our faces, and cover cameras but overall they were amazingly observant and agile, taking in all their surroundings, and I think it was worth the risk for the photos, we must have looked funny though, there were 3 of us all belly down on the track, like a wall of paparazzi. Not sure I'd do it in front of a greyhound though. :lol:
Having been pole axed by my greyhound, not worth the risk!!!!!! She was running flat out towards me so I just stood still and bang, she hit me and down I went!!!!! I din't think they have much between their ears, unlike a whippet!!!!!! :)
I think the topic title may have put a few off, not knowing what to expect !!

great pics though :thumbsup:
thanks all for commenting, I was feeling like an outcast for a while there, so many views and no comments.
Actually the whippets were pretty good, almost all completely dodged us. A couple of times we had to move, or turn our faces, and cover cameras but overall they were amazingly observant and agile, taking in all their surroundings, and I think it was worth the risk for the photos, we must have looked funny though, there were 3 of us all belly down on the track, like a wall of paparazzi. Not sure I'd do it in front of a greyhound though. :lol:
Having been pole axed by my greyhound, not worth the risk!!!!!! She was running flat out towards me so I just stood still and bang, she hit me and down I went!!!!! I din't think they have much between their ears, unlike a whippet!!!!!! :)
I've been hit by whippets when I am standing up too. These days when they're running towards me I tend to shout at them "look out" but it seems different when they're after the lure and we're laying down. Even so, I still wouldn't risk it with anything bigger and faster.