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Whippet News Top Ten

Carol Brown

New Member
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Is it now the WCRA Committee's intention not to advise THE WHIPPET NEWS details of the results from there Championship meetings.

This would mean that racers will not be in a position to possibly be in contention for this competition.

If this is the case surely Affiliated Clubs should be notified

What do you think?

Dave Brown
I think WHY???????????? Isnt that hurting their own racers, US!
What I don't understand is that the results are in Octobers Whippet news, which has quite an early cut off (so i believe), so why would they not have been counted? Luckily for us it wasn't a result we deperately needed.
I have heard that the points for the 3rd Championship meeting are now going to be awarded.

A new Top Ten League Table is being compiled & will be published soon

Dave Brown
Thank you Kim Saxby. It had been printed in Whippet News(which I no longer receive!) that as the results had not been sent in, the 3rd WCRA Champs points could not be included as the time had expired, but thanks to Kim & her ever willingness to resolve a problem this has been resolved. Thanks yet again Kim'