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Whippet News 50 Years


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Has anyone got a copy of the first edition of Whippet News; May 1963, and does anyone know who the editor was then?

Whippet News will celebrate 50 years next year, as we'll as the usual I am busy researching about the old days, and the editors that compiled the magazine at various times.

There will be some features on some of our long standing racers and an up-date of the Whippet News Hall of Fame?..which is taking a lot of time to complete, which for the first time will include NWRF & NNWRF titles. The Hall of Fame will feature the non pedi racing champion accolades and Top Ten status, scoring accordingly, it will be interesting to see who the top dogs and bitches are from over half a century of racing.

Anyone with anything that may be of interest, or who would like to help me please get in touch.

A BWRA Anniversary championship special pamphlet was created by Yvonne and Muriel.....has anyone a spare DOG copy I could borrow, or could someone email the stats...I have the bitch pamphlet.