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Whippet Missing North Oxon/bucks Border

Okay now got the full story and all is not as it seems however great news Poppy has been sighted yesterday a mile from the Kennels on a Landfill site. We are going up later to have look. Wish us luck
Good luck - I do hope she is found soon. :luck: :luck:
This little dog is now very thin and lame according to sightings being made. She is 10 years old and the weather is closing in. If anyone in the north Oxon area can help look we need you. She is nervous of other dogs and some people got within a yard of her but their own dog barked and she ran. We have now established the area she is using is an Calvert with the railway line being the boundary. It is a huge rural area.
Fingers crossed that this old girl is caught very soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
It is nice that there is sightings but hope this girl is captured very soon :luck: & please keep us updated :thumbsup:
It is nice that there is sightings but hope this girl is captured very soon :luck: & please keep us updated :thumbsup:
I do hope she's reunited very soon - it just proves how very resourceful lost whippies can be!

I was explaining how Doglost works to my daughter with a friend with a lost lab. This is a wonderful example of it at its best!

Anyone who's not seen it in action - click on the doglost link, scroll down the page and read the ongoing almost military tracking down of little Poppy and the wonderful and generous spirit of the doggie people, at least one who I recognise as a K9er, searching for her - I hope it's just a matter of time before she's home in front of the fire.

Well done Doglost and all the searchers and come home soon Poppy!
We have pinned her down to a very small area now and a trap has been set. She is fending for herself as bones have been found and has a set routine that she seems to follow. We think she is sleeping in hay on a Clay pigeon site so is keeping warm. Thats the good bit the even better bit will be when we catch her. It has been brilliant to meet up with all the people who are looking out for her and even funnier listening to phone calls to husbands saying well get your own dinner this dog is more important :thumbsup:
Fingers all crossed she is caught and re-united with her owners
Another sighting of Poppy today- she was curled up in the ditch by the side of the bridlepath! Her owner turned up soon after but she was nowhere to be found.

He has left his well worn jumper in the trap which has been moved to the place where she was last seen.

I am going over there tomorrow to walk along the bridlepath again and see if there is any sign of her.

Come on Poppy- it feels as if we are getting closer- just give yourself up! :blink:

Liz and the Monellis
Poppy was finally caught in the trap today. She is very thin but other than that she is okay. We were just starting to give up hope a bit so this is just great news. I think I have walked miles this past couple of weeks but I met some great people and I never want to smell another landfill site again.
I'm so pleased she has been found safe and sound :thumbsup: Well done to all involved In catching her ;)
Brilliant news that Poppy has been found. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Well done to all involved in searching for her. :)
so happy to see her sitting in the trap after all the searching
