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Whippet Doing Strange Things...


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Tonight one of our whippets is acting very oddly.... won't hold his head up was like he had cramp earlier, I touched his foot and he cried, holding himself oddly keeps licking his bits, and his front legs... very strange he seems pretty tense too when you touch him around his middle he seems to be hunching up! I have just got him to walk into the kitchen and he laid down on the floor and again licked his feet... never seen the behaviour b4 and is worrying me... :(
he has curled up asleep on the chair, he seems quite calm now.... never seen that kind of behaviour from him ever! He has quite a bad heart murmur and his little heart seemed a usual to be pounding away... I kinda worry about him and his heart prob, even though it has never caused him any probs yet...

From a friend:

Possibile: Poisoning, skeletal scury (dependant on age), trapped nerve (the foot licking is a reaction not part of the symptoms probably), blockage....could be a lot of things unfortunately.
he has classic signs of meningitis not being able to look up as it is painful(brain imflamation) laying down not wanting to stand etc, im not being alarmist and i hope i am wrong but get him to the vet asap, i lost a whippet through Meningitis and wish i had benn aware sooner, my dog started with the symtoms you describe then rallied round and was slightly better and then went down hill quickly your vet needs to get him on Predisalone ASAP
Hurrah :D

Breezy is fine this morning, no signs of this funny behaviour - running around as usual ate breakfast now asleep in front of the fire... :b
hi,i so pleased he ok today :thumbsup: Julie
Hi Dawn, pleased to hear Breeze is back to his old self. Whippets are strange creatures, we had new carpet fitted on Monday ever since Sparky has been crying to get up at 5am so he can go into the lounge and do his wriggle on his back, he then shakes himself and goes back to bed and sleeps for another couple of hours. BTW is there a show at Romsey in May, if so I have missed it, haven't seen it advertised and haven't received a schedule.
