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Whippet Constipation


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Probably due to Christmas over endulgance and relatives feeding Willow lots of new Christmas dinner-type foods, the poor girl is rather constipated :b . When outside, she strains to go every few seconds, but alas, nothing for a couple of days. I think she is also getting confused by this as she has weed on the carpet 3 times in 2 days :oops: , which she rarely does usually (6 months old). Does anyone have any remedies I might try before I end up having to make a trip to the vet tomorrow?


Because she's already constipated, the most important thing is to get her to drink plenty of fresh water, sorry more puddles! It might help her pass but with her being 6 months old and constipated for a few days now, I'd take her to the vet incase she's very compacted and needs an enema or other treatment.

I do have a whip that used to get occasional constipation but I add wheat bran to their food which keeps it at bay.

Just thought I'd add a link incase anyone goes searching for this subject but I wouldn't try using anything until she's been checked out by the vet.

Dogs and constipation
If she was mine, I would cut a glycerine suppository in half (across the middle, not down the length) and push it gently into the rectum after lubricating it with a little vaseline, pointed end first (won't hurt the dog as it is very soft).

The finger cut off a rubber glove used for hair dying on your finger is good. Just push it a small way in and then hold a pad over the 'hole' for a little while to keep it there. The suppository won't do any harm and may well save an expensive vet's fee, but only do it if you feel confident. I was a nurse for 30 years, so things like that don't faze me, but I know a lot of people are squeamish!

I did this with my dear departed shih tzu and it worked VERY well!!