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Whippet Congress

So ... who's coming? It's going to be great! I want to see lots of overseas visitors - isn't it time you treated yourself to an overseas holiday? AND you get the National Specialty AND the Melbourne Royal withing a few days of the conference! C'mon... just do it!!!! ;)
:( I'd love to go but pennies (lack of them) and work (too much coming in) (w00t)

means I won't be able to fulfill my dream. Should I come up on the lottery or find a blind (metaphorically speaking) sugar daddy, that Pedro won't find out about, I'll be out there faster than a jumbo jet!

Noreen's website is brilliant, just makings the longing to go even worse.

I'm going. Just booked the flights on Friday!
Perhaps we could all come and stay with you Lana, then all we would have to do is find the money for the flight!!!
Im up for that ! :cheers: , will Cara be ready for me to take home then Lana!! :blink:
Good on you Vanna! Come & say hello to me. :) I'll have a stall there with plaited leads, hand made collars, whippet cards, drawings & whatever else I can get done between now & then :sweating: You'll have a great time I'm sure, I just live up the road & I can tell you it's a beautiful part of the world. See you in September!

:teehee: :teehee: Whippet Congress down under. I'll be there. I want to see the National. First time ever we have a National Show.
:thumbsup: Kirislin/ Linda, I am from South Downunder :teehee: See you there.
Cartman, dont worry I'm not going to stalk you! ;) You could be a bit more specific. Are you in Australia as I am Victoria actually, or are you in New Zealand or Antarctia????

OH Dessie! I'd love to have you all come & stay but I think I'd have trouble fitting you all in my little one bedroom cottage ... maybe if you didn't mind camping in the yard ... but the fact that I live 3000kms away from Melbourne could be a slight prob as well :teehee:

Excellent Vanna - can't wait to meet you!

Cartman - I am looking forward to seeing some south Aussie whippets - haven't been to SA since I was a kid.
o:) Linda.....y e s I a m i n A u s t r a l i a .

:cheers: Lana, Last time you were at Whippet show in Vic. I think we ended up all together at dinner at some hotel....

:- " Thats got you all thinking.
:oops: Not's Jon. well done. :thumbsup:
:oops: My apologies for the spelling error !!! I should have known better too! I hope you can forgive me! :b

Great to see you on k9! And I will definitely catch up with you again at the congress/shows - we didn't get that much of a chance to get to know one another last time did we? Will have to make up for that this time. ;) I will hopefully have a bit more time to mingle/chat/socialise. Won't have as many dogs with me for starters. :))
Lana, less dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those that dont know. Lana drove, by herself, 6,oookms round trip to a show. Took with her 14 whippets...........Brave girl. I did same show. only 1,600kms round trip & 4 dogs. Gee I thought I was brave....!!!!!!!!!

Yes will see you there.
Thanks Lana, Kirslin. I'm really looking forward to it.

Kirslin. I think I've seen your plaited show leads, and I'm definitely going to get some. I used to handle one of Jennie Piper's bitches for her, and she used a beautiful fine plaited kangaroo hide lead that she brought with her when she came back from Oz. It looked wonderful on Slipper. Unfortunately it was pinched from my bench one day, and I was never able to replace it. I spent about a year looking hard at every whippet in the ring with a black show lead to see if I could find the :rant: who took it, but I never saw it again, so my faith in whippet people's honesty is restored and I have to assume it was someone in another breed!! :oops:

See you in September.
Aaah Jon - now you're building me up to be a tad braver than I really was! I had only 6 whippets, not 14. However that was enough - with only me to show and exercise them, and not brave enough to leave them on their own at any of the shows while I went off chatting.

But the really brave thing was that I drove with a 6 berth dog trailer on all that way and had never driven with a trailer on before, not even a small one - ever! Didn't have a clue how to back it - so just had to try make sure I didn't get into a position where I had to back it - unless there was some experienced trailer-backer-person handy! :b I learned very quickly after trying to manoeuvre it through a McDonalds Drive Thru :oops:
:) Lana, even 6 is enough. It is heaven to only travel with 2 dogs. & 0ne must remember all the grooming, Nope 2 dogs is fine for me. I did take 5 to Melb. once, but then I have kids to do all the walking. I just fed, groomed & drove. Oh, yeh!!! I was lucky enough to pay for it all too.