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Whippet Breed Seminar


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On Sunday November the 6th , We will be holding a breed seminar for any one wanting to learn more about our breed . It will be held at Roade Village Hall , Roade Northants , . Situated just off the M1 junction 15 . so is easy to get to .

We are having two speakers, Pam Marston-Pollock ( Falcongrag ) and Jo Davies ( Taraday ), followed by a `hands on`. For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm on about this is what happens,

The Midland Whippet is running the Seminar

We have 5 groups of 6 people who each `go over' and assess the merits of 5 different dogs. Each dog has a C C giving judge who listens and corrects wherever and whenever needed .

The dogs are then moved .

Each person, on paper, places ithe 5 dogs in prefential order , writing why A beat B etc.

No one's opinions and scores are made public , it is purely a learning curve . Our aim is to encourage new people to learn more about the breed . So many people today go home after their class/classes if they are not placed and don't stay to watch the rest of the judging. I know we all have busy lives, but so much can be learnt by watching and listening to other peoples comments (even when they are not always right )

It should be a good day . A buffet lunch is included for the price of £15.00 . Places are limited to 30 people for more info and application form ring me on 01159 877923

The East Anglian Whippet are doing the `Assesment`side for judges wishing to progress , For more info email,,,,,,,,,,, beadseller Cathy Brown The price for that is £25.00 and limited to 5 people , Lunch again will be included
Just a quick reminder for all those K9 ers who are coming to the Seminar tomorrow ,,,,,,, :huggles:

Please be there for promt , it starts at 10.30 with Pam Marston-Pollock talking first , followed by Jo Davies .

Look forward to meeting you and I hope you have a good day

I would loved to have gone,but,i'm picking up my precious Flyn babies instead! :wub: :wub:
alfyn said:
I would loved to have gone,but,i'm picking up my precious Flyn babies instead! :wub:   :wub:

Yes Debs , I KNOW you are :thumbsup: Hope they dont throw up TOO much in your car (w00t) :x :oops: :lol:
i would of loved to of gone to but havent got a car :rant: well weve got two cars but both of the road at the mo what a shame :( :( jax are these seminar;s run very often it sounds great for people like me would of loved to have gone :rant:
Tina , The South Yorkshire Whippet Club are running one next Feb , it obviously wont be as good as the Midland Whippet one :- " , but why not give Dawn a PM as she is a committtee member ;) :cheers:
I'm sure that everyone going tomorrow will have an entertaining and enlightening day.

I would have loved to have been there, but one sick car and Rags made it out of the question.

Have a good day all.
Thanks for the PM Jax!! See you tomorrow and anyone else who is going. :thumbsup:
well, how did it go? good I hope :thumbsup:

I would like to go, but sounds really scarey to a real novice like me :unsure:

Does comments like "I like that one's colours" or "that one looks a bit like my Sunny" count? No? well for the best that I didn't go then :lol:
It went really well thanks Doris , Had plenty of good feedback already . Everyone was welcome , even complete idiots :oops: I mean novices like you :p :huggles: :lol:

maybe you would to come to the next one we do ?
I'd love to!

No-one will ask me to say anything will they? Can I just sit and listen to what everyone else says? Not I normally stay quiet for long :- "
doris said:
I'd love to!
No-one will ask me to say anything will they?  Can I just sit and listen to what everyone else says?  Not I normally stay quiet for long :- "

You can sit quiet if you want but you will find that you will ask questions and offer comments, you go round in small groups so can discuss things alot easier that in a large group of people. Most start with a talk about the breed and you just sit and listen and it is the hands-on after lunch. Everyone is really friendly and willing to offered advice anf help. You have to start somewhere! Come along to the next one and enjoy yourself. It is worth it even if it is just for the lovely grub :thumbsup:
Beerhound said:
Come along to the next one and enjoy yourself. It is worth it even if it is just for the lovely grub :thumbsup:
ooo, grub! when is it? :lol:
I doubt we will be having another till next year , I presume the South Yorkshire Whippet club one will be too far :( . Maybe one of the whippet clubs nearer to you will be having one next year . They are all run on pretty much the same lines . :huggles: :cheers: