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Whippet Artist Of The Year


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We went on holiday to Cornwall with Rocket and Bandit..We put a beach shelter up on a headland over looking a lovely beach and whilst there we noticed further along on another headland an artist had put up a beach shelter and at the back of it put his works on display on a piece of wood..I went to see his artwork and evidently he sells his watercolours for £350 but if i went to an art galllery for one they sell for over £600..I escaped without a purchase..Husband then decided to take Bandit to the beach to play frisby and on the way back Bandit being off lead shot on ahead. My husband saw that he had made a beeline straight to the drying pictures and before he could stop him added his colour to the works...Husband thought i will pretend the dog is not mine and walked quickly to our shelter with bandit doing a hop and skip near by..the artist did not notice as he was painting at front of shelter...I wonder when the picture is sold and in a prestigious place on someones wall will they see Bandits added colour to it or will it have an aromatic aroma...and say this looks and smells of cornwall.....
:lol: that is very funny and I like your hubbies style by pretending that is not your dog.I am going to try that one as my boy will try to pee on anything and everything when we are out especially if it is 'new' and was not there on his last walk.
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:oops: but :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:
Dont know who"s naughtiest Digby or Bandit, (w00t) wonder where he gets his naughtiness from. :wacko: we"re off to Cornwall in a few weeks might avoid that area. :teehee:
Dogs have a simple approach to art critique. 'Can't eat it. Can't s*** it . Better p*** on it!