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Whining At Night


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Our new pup Monty has been with us for a week now, he is mostly a complete angel and totally adorable. But at he whines a lot at night and we are knackered! He goes into his crate beautifully and the door is left open so he can get out and pee and will generally sleep until about 2am then start whining for anything between 30 mins and 2 hours. If he goes back off he will be restless and whining again from.5am usually not for too long. We have a ticking clock in the crate and the radio on at a very low level. On the first 2 nights we went to him when he whined but are now ignoring him and not going to him.

Any other tips or am i just expecting too much from him at this early stage? He is 10and a bit weeks old.

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Hi Ruth

Have you tried giving Monty a teddy bear or some other cuddly toy to cuddle up to? :huggles:

I would definitly ignore him as if he realises whinning will get you to go to him he may keep doing it as a way to get your attention in the night
Hi Ruth, both my two whined at night for a while. Some people on here given in and take them to bed to get some peace and rest :- " :- "

I personally ignored it .... ( i know its hard :( )and I promise it does eventually stop.

Make sure you stick to the same routine every night - make sure the pup is warm enough, has played lots during the day, has a fully tummy and I used to gently stroke mine until they were just nearly droppping off. Radio is a good idea and the ticking clock, a soft toy .... think Youve done most everything.

It will get better - but I can sympathise with the sleepless nights and VERY early mornings.

Good Luck - hope this helps. :thumbsup:
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Mine cried at night for about 5 months :eek: and no one knew what to do about it so we got her a friend and the problem stopped instantly. While I don't think it is common for it to go on this long (she is just extremely sociable and NEEDS company), I have since found out how cold she gets at night if her friend doesn't share her bed, and as a result I'm buying her pyjamas.

I think the contrast of going from a bundle of nice warm cuddly litter mates to sleeping on your own is great, especially if you only have thin whippety skin and hair, so I recommend keeping puppy extra warm eg a heater AND a hot water bottle (as long as its not a bad chewer) and maybe wraped in a blanket.

I'm getting a new pup in January and am going to try these to make settling in easier.
My experience was very similar to Janis's and yes I found I had to be strong and try to ignore it, she stopped doing it after not long :thumbsup:
OEH said:
I have since found out how cold she gets at night if her friend doesn't share her bed, and as a result I'm buying her pyjamas. 
Yes, with hindsight I wonder if ours mainly whined at night (not that he did it very much) because he was cold - he now has pyjamas and a cot duvet, and whines around 3 am when he turns over and it falls off.
Thanks everyone, i will try adding extra blanketsand toys

by the way, how long does the whining last for roughly? (i really hope it's not 5 months!)
Think it will vary Ruth - my two only did it for a few nights. Oscar was on his own till he was around 9 - 10 months when I got Kobi.

and Kobi still cried even though Oscar was there - everything is very new and strange - dont worry the more your pup gets to know hes safe and all is well, Im sure it wont last too long.

Just imagine what youd feel like leaving your mum and all your littermates and going on a long car journey to a strange smelling house with no family - until he realises YOU are his family now.
oh this brings back memories!!!!

Talulla cried at night for about 2 weeks - we tried everything mentioned - toys, blankets, radio - and she was not cold as her crate is opposite a toasty warm Aga!!!!

I was a complete wimp about the whole thing and spent a few nights sleeping on the kitchen floor next to her - if it wasn't for the cats already sleeping upstairs she would have been tucked up in bed with us.

The crying finally stopped when one night my partner and i had already got up for her at 11pm, 1pm, 2pm only for her to produce a tiny pee - when at 4pm we just physically could not get up again - we had been beaten down by sheer exhaustion (w00t)

Talulla must have carried on wailing but we both slept through it - since that night she happily goes to bed in her crate and never makes a sound all night - infact most mornings we have to bribe her to get out from under her duvet to start the day :wub:

So - even though it feels awful now - i promise you it will get better and in a few months time you will be offering advice to the next poor soul who cannot stand to hear their pup upset.

Hang on in there :teehee:

Tracy and Talulla xx
Cloud cried until he was about 9 months old. We had another Whippet but he still did it. In the end I had to be hard on him and when he cried I used to go into the dining room, not say a word and spray him with a water bottle. I did feel awful but I was exhausted and the neighbours were getting annoyed as we were in a semi then. After 2 nights he gave up and is an excellent night time sleeper now!
ruth said:
Our new pup Monty has been with us for a week now, he is mostly a complete angel and totally adorable.  But at he whines a lot at night and we are knackered!  He goes into his crate beautifully and the door is left open so he can get out and pee and will generally sleep until about 2am then start whining for  anything between 30 mins and 2 hours.  If he goes back off he will be restless and whining again from.5am usually not for too long.  We have a ticking clock in the crate and the radio on at a very low level. On the first 2 nights we went to him when he whined but are now ignoring him and not going to him. 
Any other tips or am i just expecting too much from him at this early stage? He is 10and a bit weeks old.

I will attempt to attach a photo soon, how do i resize the photo without photoshop or similar programme?

Mine is 3 and still whines occasionally. nothing wrong, same routine, fed watered, warm and cosy, dry..... i think its in their make up to whinge!
There is no right and wrong, you'll find out what works for you by trying different things, and by having support from people who've been there before :) everyone here has found what works for them :thumbsup:

With my first pup, I realised that moving a little pup from a bedful of warm litter mates to a new house/routine/people and expecting her to be fine with sleeping alone was too much. I wanted her to feel secure and safe, and to know that we were her family now and we'd be there for her. So at night she slept very peacefully in a cat-carrying basket down by the side of my bed (with the lid closed so that she couldn't come creeping into bed with me). I could put a hand down for her to sniff if she needed comfort or reassurance. It was also easy to hear her if she stirred and wanted a wee. She settled brilliantly, no whining or crying, because she knew her new "special people" were right there - she could smell us, and hear us breathing, and I believe that was reassuring for her.

In the beginning I used to get up twice per night, once at 2 and once at 5 or so to take her out to wee. After a fortnight or so she started sleeping through (a bit like a human baby, but on a shorter timescale!). I know some people would prefer not to get up at night, but I want my pups to understand that they wee outside, from day one, not wee in the kitchen at night. The getting up bit is temporary, and it really pays off in the long run with housetraining because it's a consistent message.

During the day I made sure that there was a crate/den with a snug blanket over it downstairs, and that eventually this became her primary comfort-zone... and one night aged about 13 weeks she simply put herself to bed there at 10.30pm and stayed there all night without a peep! Ditto with the second pup.

There are different ways, and it really is what you feel in your heart is right for your pup, your situation, and what you're prepared to put up with :)
kirs said:
I used to go into the dining room, not say a word and spray him with a water bottle. I did feel awful

Macey howled after quite a long period of sleeping through the night recently. We too tried everything.......... :(

We now have a spray bottle of water on squirt position and this stops any more howling!!! Sounds hard, but it does not hurt them!! :blink:

Good luck. :luck:
I think they're all little individuals who differ greatly from pup to pup.

But having said that all our pups have always come into our bedroom with us & we have never had any of them whine! :D

Now at the moment all our dogs sleep in our room in their own crates,the three adult Whippets in one giant one,the two pups in their large one & the two Min Poodles in one on top of the pups (w00t)

A bit mad I know but I think they like the company :huggles: and they feel safe & it's definitely NOT cold in our could it be with all that body heat :p

So try different things & see what works for your wee one,they do it for a reason it's just a matter of finding out WHAT it is :wacko:

But good luck :luck: