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Whines yelps and cries when left on his own at night


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Hi everyone i have just seen this forum and need some help i have had my 12 week old puppy for a week now and at night as soon as i put him in his bed and shut the door he starts whining crying and barking yelping continiously i gave up last night and put his bed next to mine in the bedroom and he stopped straight away and slept through but i cant leave him during the day or to go out at all what can i do any advise
Hey irishlady76, welcome :)

Aaww.. poor little thing. Being so used to always have some warmth of his brothers and sisters and all of a sudden left all alone at night. This can be quite disheartening for the pup. He just needs getting used to being alone gradually before being thrown into the deep.

Being alone in a room is an aweful experience for him now, being with the owner is great. I can totally understand the dog whining and barking. Giving in was his reward and just made his behaviour stronger, unfortunately.

What have you done/tried so far to make his 'alone' time a good experience? and did you build up his alone time gradually, whether it's in daytime or nighttime?
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Hey irishlady76, welcome :)

Aaww.. poor little thing. Being so used to always have some warmth of his brothers and sisters and all of a sudden left all alone at night. This can be quite disheartening for the pup. He just needs getting used to being alone gradually before being thrown into the deep.

Being alone in a room is an aweful experience for him now, being with the owner is great. I can totally understand the dog whining and barking. Giving in was his reward and just made his behaviour stronger, unfortunately.

What have you done/tried so far to make his 'alone' time a good experience? and did you build up his alone time gradually, whether it's in daytime or nighttime?
we have taken his bed into the bedroom and he is fine all night uses the paper we have put down he even went out to the kitchen and used paper by the back door to dirty on and then came back to his bed and slept again after 3 nights of him howling and crying i feel we are getting somewhere he doesnt like being left in the daytime but we leave him in the kitchen just for essential time out for shopping etc 015.JPG and hall all hard floors with a kong, toys and a comfy bed he complains a bit but i think its getting less i have crept up to the door and listened several times he uses the paper 8 out 10 times he is only 11/12 weeks so it will all fall in place i hope we did try the crate again but he howls all the time in it and i have tried leaving it in the room we spend most time in and put treats in it but he avoids it so will stick with the bed i think thanks for your comments x
It's very important that you train your dog to be comfortable alone for more than "essential time". The sooner your dog understands it, the more comfortable you can be when leaving the dog home.

There are some amazing videos on youtube on how to train a dog to be alone without crying or destroying furniture. It starts of with walking out of the room for a few seconds with a slow build up. How you behave when walking out and entering the room is also important.

I really recommend you check youtube for these videos. It will make your life and your dog's life much nicer on the long term.

..and PS.. what an adorable doggy! :)
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Hi all just a quick update on my little pup Charlie we took him to the vets and found out that instead of being 12 weeks old he was apparently only about 5-6 weeks old we inadvertently got him from a puppy farm trading standards are involved now. anyway he is now very good he sleeps in his cage in the kitchen we had him in bedroom for couple of weeks in his cage and then moved him into the hall just out of bedroom and now he is a happy confident little fellow we have done 4 weeks puppy training and he is lovely almost housetrained he goes for ages maybe a week and then does a wee on the floor for no reason any ideas guys he never goes in his cage he whines to go out he lasts about 6 hours at night now never dirtys in the house just occasional wees. But thanks for all your help at the beginning xx
Poor little chap, only just weaned when you got him. No wonder he was distressed. It really pays to find out about reputable breeders, but at least you have a good outcome, so many under age puppies from puppy farms fall ill and some times die.

Keep up the training, he looks so sweet. :wub:
I have had Meg for two nights now last night was the better 3.00am she woke then went off again until 6.00am , I found leaving here in the cage walking away at night then waiting for the wining to stop then giving her a reward and saying good girl in a soft voice. Its a long process we had the same with Jenna and its all come flooding back to me :blink: -_- -_- :blink: . I have to take Jenna out so will be leaving Meg alone for 15 mins at a time that's the hardest thing but Meg has to understand I will be home. Treats are the key I am hoping this will work every time I come back in , if anyone has any tips please let me know.