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wheres all the dogs dogs gone


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people were moaning about no straight racing. when the bends were on

but looking at the attendance at the opens.up to the present very poor

turnouts. or are everybody waiting for the money opens???

or is me being cynical ????? ??? ???
Who was moaning that there was no straight racing, maybe there is not a lot of dogs racing at the moment because they have to get fit, my dogs have been trialling and i raced them on sunday, needles to say it will take a while to get them race fit........
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Did you attend the recent straight opens Mr Westwood?

Which dog/dogs do you have?
got to agree with tim on this one,there dont seem to be many turning up to straight race,maybe they would sooner go real racing,ey
maybe if you look back to a few years ago we had a good turn out at all opens. is it a decline in our sport i think so ??? even bend opens are not attended as well as they used to be ,people dont travel like they used to do apart from a few like steve boyd and family. once the straights are well under way it may pick up a bit
watch it licker youve got to put up with me all weekend might get my own back ;) :D
I wish i had the choice to race, after a full bend season out my straight racer decided to come in season!

Also quite a few dogs got injured on the bends in winter & maybe some are just saving their dogs for the English Derby?

Hopefully the clubs are still being supported - this is what people seem to forget once the opens start back!
Travellings in the blood! yes we are prepared and do travel often, losing money each week on diesel,entry and lunches out etc. but as a family we enjoy the variety of venues.

There were approx 70 dogs at Ashfordby,50 approx at both Wallsend and Blidworth, less at Dawdon/Horden, but I don't believe Dawdon is everyones favouite track as it is ours. Not too bad a turn out for the time of year, many start abit later.

Yes, Money is a great incentive to some. You only have to see the turn out at Scotland for that and no support for the rest of the year.

Are you there Tim?

Karen Boyd.
i think maybe some only travel to scotland for big money prizes ,but dont forget a lot of people travel all that way knowing they have not got much chance of winning a large amoumt of money with the dogs they have running . but to make a good holiday out of it. anyone in this game hoping to get rich is definatly in the wrong sport , we have not missed a scotish derby for 12 year, since the good old days in dingwall, up to now at kirkaldy, also an exelent venue . we allways come back skint compared to when we first went, even if we were lucky enough to win the lot we would still be out of pocket . top o the town could have something to do with it like :D we allways class scotland as our anual racing holiday, but i do agree some folk see the money as a n incentive , only 7 or so years ago i can remember good payouts at most avents, club racing included but the best money if you didnt have a decent yard per pounder was the scratch events, who now seem to get the rough end of the stick also a lot of good venues have now closed due to the decline in racing is it because no one wants to run handicap dogs now our selves included everyone wants open class racers ???
Hi, yes you may be right mutley, every one would like open class winners of course we would, but if you do not attend the opens people will never find out if their dog is open class,and we need the clubs to train the dogs , as for every one running for all the money pay outs, well i think a good trophy is better than a lot of pay out, yes it's nice to get some of your money back , but i also think the prize money should be shared out better........ :D what do you think????

which club do you run for Tim ???
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Enjoyment win or lose is payment enough for me. :D

I would rather take home a happy dog and a cheap plasic trophy.

As my happy dogs grow old I can look at the and remember.

That goes for all whippets young, old, small, large.

Entry or prize money I think should go to more important couses.

To promote the sport. And saftey for our dogs.
Hi folks, Some good points here, yes we would all like open class dogs, but surely clubs should be more than just training grounds for pups. Even when we had open class dogs (we've had a few not for a while........but still here and enjoyin racing) we still did the majority of our racin at the club. Dogs can pick up a fair bit of prizemoney over the year at club level depending on what formats are used whether your dog is a flying machine or just an average dog, a handicap final at our club can get you between £10 - £18 not bad when sometimes winning a class at an open doesn,t get that much! I feel too much emphasis is put on the labels of "open class" dogs "club dogs" surely whippet racin should be enjoyed at all levels whatever "class" your dog falls into. Keep supporting the clubs otherwise eventually they will close and where will all the "open class" dogs be trained(sorry not really bein sarci there) Whippet clubs need WHIPPETS fast, average and even slow ones all can be catered for (i know I've had the SLOWER ones and i'm still racin)

Anyway I'll get off my soap box and shut up. I just enjoy whippet racin at the club, at the open, whatever.

HERE HERE.. for the trophy's, cash only gets spent...trophy's let you remember the BEST times, and are something you will always have.....HAPPY DAYS.
clubs are a training ground for all dogs not just pups, what i was trying to get across was we need the clubs to race our dogs at all the time. :angry: .....we should just enjoy our racing wether it be at club level or open level. see you all at the tracks :D
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hi there deb here, dont come on here much but my view is club racing where we are do not cater for our big uns we can only trial as no racing is available for them, if it was we would club run alot more see you soon :)
true jasper ive just got some trophys out from years ago ,taking me back a bit ,as i had to sadly have my own lovely old dog baileys comet, put to sleep today she was 14, but sadly fading fast. it broke our hearts but it was for the best RIP my lovely old freind.
my condolenses to you gary and your lass, FOND MEMORY"S ALWAYS....jasper.