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Where Would You Advertise Your Puppies for Sale

Where would you advertise if you had a litter of pups

  • E-Pupz / Internet advertising sites

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Own website

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Loot / local newspapers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Specialist dog magazines / supplements

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wouldn't advertise

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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wild whippies

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Out of interest, could people who vote that they wouldn't advertise please state what methods they would use? Same goes for other.
Pity that in this poll we could not tick more than one, as i think people who advertise may do so in several mediums. Also pity you could not include a breed club litter register, unless you in the UK do not have one? I wish that the people who do not advertise would tell us how exactly they sell their pups?

I put my website, but that is not strictly the truth. I certainly announce the birth of my litters on my website and keep posting new pics every other day. So people who have puppy booked can look at them and follow their progress. That is excellent especially with children who cannot wait to collect their puppy.

I get my buyers mainly through the club, but I really do not think it matters where a breeders find buyers, as long as they vet them properly.

I also posted my last litter here on k9, I am so glad I am so far from UK, so I could share my babies with all of you, and nobody could accuse me of trying to flog my pups here. :)
Seraphina said:
Pity that in this poll we could not tick more than one, as i think people who advertise may do so in several mediums.  Also pity you could not include a breed club litter register, unless you in the UK do not have one?  I wish that the people who do not advertise would tell us how exactly they sell their pups?I put my website, but that is not strictly the truth.  I certainly announce the birth of my litters on my website and keep posting new pics every other day.  So people who have puppy booked can look at them and follow their progress.  That is excellent especially with children who cannot wait to collect their puppy.

I get my buyers mainly through the club, but I really do not think it matters where a breeders find  buyers, as long as they vet them properly. 

I also posted my last litter here on k9, I am so glad I am so far from UK, so I could share my babies with all of you, and nobody could accuse me of trying to flog my pups here. :)

Yeah agree with this entirely, firstly I would advertise through The Whippet Club, then I would guage interest here on K9, then I would go to Epupz.
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A reputable breeder should not need to advertise puppies.

For those who do not move in whippet circles, a call to the secretary of a breed/racing club to inform them u have a litter and ask them if they could they pass on your details if they get any enquiries is usually enough.
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Seraphina said:
Pity that in this poll we could not tick more than one, as i think people who advertise may do so in several mediums.  Also pity you could not include a breed club litter register, unless you in the UK do not have one? 
Yes I agree, I usually advertise in breed club show catalogues and I always encourage people making enquiries to visit club shows as their first point of call.
I wouldn't tell anybody then hopefully no one would ask then I could keep em ALL :wub: :wub:

Seriously though I haven't got to that and don't know if I ever will but I am curious to know in a friendly way of course :D as my girls have spent their whole lives on K9, if the time came and I let everybody know that I had a litter coming would that be seen as advertising or sharing my good news :unsure:

Although in an ideal world I would prefer them to go to people from K9 who I am familiar with if that were possible, where you already know from seeing how there dogs live that a good home waits, :huggles: but that can't always be so I don't know reallyhow I would let people know until the time comes if it ever does :D

I would probably put the news on my own website too :thumbsup: as I have had some nice emails from people from there just saying hello and telling me they are getting pups and asking me questions about whippet ownership :D

The poll needs K9 and don't know Jac :teehee:
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Thats a tough one, we found our breeder (for the first 3) via the free ads, it must be hard to reach people outside of the whippet circle who are after a dog. Our 4th came via K9 :thumbsup:

If I advertised I'd probably go via K9 first but I know that I found K9 after I got my first two whippys :wacko:
I used other because i would be talking on here way before i had pup and would be looking for homes from people on K9...
dawn said:
A reputable breeder should not need to advertise puppies. 
For those who do not move in whippet circles, a call to the secretary of a breed/racing club to inform them u have a litter and ask them if they could they pass on your details if they get any enquiries is usually enough.

I have been a member of several breed clubs in several states, and in many of them it was the person who bred the most litters who became the Puppy Officer, which meant nobody ever got any pups inquiries throught the club. In others the puppy Oficer sent all the puppy buyers to the small circle of their good friends. We are very lucky that it is not the case in our Whippet Club here now, but I am sure it is still going on in other clubs.
*Lesley* said:
I wouldn't tell anybody then hopefully no one would ask then I could keep em ALL :wub:   :wub:
You getting this Andy??!! (w00t)

The poll needs K9 and don't know Jac
God woman there's no blooming pleasing you!! It was 2am when I did this! -_- Anyway just put other and state why! :p

After reading replies so far, I'm begining to wonder if it really would be better having a forum of pups for sale, I used to get my back up over this but the more I think about it the more I tend to think that folk who are just breeding for a quick buck etc are going to stand out like a sore thumb anyway if there was a forum present. I also think that the ads should be vetted and members would not be allowed to 'bump' up their posts to get more views or get their mates to ''talk up'' the pups for sale etc.
wild whippies said:
*Lesley* said:
I wouldn't tell anybody then hopefully no one would ask then I could keep em ALL :wub:   :wub:
You getting this Andy??!! (w00t)

The poll needs K9 and don't know Jac
God woman there's no blooming pleasing you!! It was 2am when I did this! -_- Anyway just put other and state why! :p

After reading replies so far, I'm begining to wonder if it really would be better having a forum of pups for sale, I used to get my back up over this but the more I think about it the more I tend to think that folk who are just breeding for a quick buck etc are going to stand out like a sore thumb anyway if there was a forum present. I also think that the ads should be vetted and members would not be allowed to 'bump' up their posts to get more views or get their mates to ''talk up'' the pups for sale etc.

Ok clicked other :thumbsup: already stated why :D and if your putting posts on at that ungodly hour I'm not surprised :teehee: do you think you live in Australia or summat thats the middle of the night here you know (w00t) -_-
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dawn said:
A reputable breeder should not need to advertise puppies. 
For those who do not move in whippet circles, a call to the secretary of a breed/racing club to inform them u have a litter and ask them if they could they pass on your details if they get any enquiries is usually enough.

Just becuase a breeder advertises their litter does not make them a bad breeder or less reputable.
Lynn-Alexandria said:
dawn said:
A reputable breeder should not need to advertise puppies. 
For those who do not move in whippet circles, a call to the secretary of a breed/racing club to inform them u have a litter and ask them if they could they pass on your details if they get any enquiries is usually enough.

Just becuase a breeder advertises their litter does not make them a bad breeder or less reputable.

No it doesn't however, those who care about their reputation and the breed will endevour to benefit the breed as a whole in the future, In order to do this you would have to be very knowledgable about all your particular breeds bloodlines. With time, knowledge and experience these individuals establish an excellent reputation and would have no need to advertise and what advertising they did would be through reputable bodies or word of mouth.
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wild whippies said:
Lynn-Alexandria said:
dawn said:
A reputable breeder should not need to advertise puppies. 
For those who do not move in whippet circles, a call to the secretary of a breed/racing club to inform them u have a litter and ask them if they could they pass on your details if they get any enquiries is usually enough.

Just becuase a breeder advertises their litter does not make them a bad breeder or less reputable.

No it doesn't however, those who care about their reputation and the breed will endevour to benefit the breed as a whole in the future, In order to do this you would have to be very knowledgable about all your particular breeds bloodlines. With time, knowledge and experience these individuals establish an excellent reputation and would have no need to advertise and what advertising they did would be through reputable bodies or word of mouth.

A breed is no less reputable where they advertise. They can be knowledgable about all the bloodlines and will care about their reputation. What makes a reputable breeder is one who vets the homes that their pups are going to and who will ensure that the new owners are given all the help and information they require. As long as they vet the new homes and make sure their pups are going to first class homes.
suprising how many reputable breeders do advertise on the net! was looking at a site the other day with whole heap of K9's listing themselves as breeders, one of those seem to be a critic in this affair! Why put links of your site up and get listed as a breeder if you dont advertise????? Seems a bit hypocritical to me! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Having your own site is a form of advertising because you are going to recieve enquiries, blood lines are on the papers, but understand in case of non ped racing it is not so and the more knowledgeable peps do know who is who. But like everything in life you learn everyday and the more questions asked the broader you knowledge becomes, no one was born knowing everything and know one holds copyright of a breed. At the end of the day there is no one solution, people will advertise and it is down to the Breeders to sort the wheat from the chaff, where ever you are you will get approached from potential clients, crufts or a racing trials, but do you know that person, people lie and decieve to get what they want and you can never be 100% sure on what they will be like as a owner

running_free said:
suprising how many reputable breeders do advertise on the net! was looking at a site the other day with whole heap of K9's listing themselves as breeders, one of those seem to be a critic in this affair! Why put links of your site up and get listed as a breeder if you dont advertise????? Seems a bit hypocritical to me!  :wacko:   :wacko:   :wacko:  
Having your own site is a form of advertising because you are going to recieve enquiries, blood lines are on the papers, but understand in case of non ped racing it is not so and the more knowledgeable peps do know who is who. But like everything in life you learn everyday and the more questions asked the broader you knowledge becomes, no one was born knowing everything and know one holds copyright of a breed. At the end of the day there is no one solution, people will advertise and it is down to the Breeders to sort the wheat from the chaff, where ever you are you will get approached from potential clients, crufts or a racing trials, but do you know that person, people lie and decieve to get what they want and you can never be 100% sure on what they will be like as a owner


Well said Chris. No one is born with the ability to breed a litter or with the knowledge of a breed. They learned as everyone has had to do.
I think I already stated that where people advertised didn't make them less reputable what I did state was that the more reputable a breeder is, they are unlikely to advertise? :- "

It could be just me but I would expect any person who has took the responsibility of bringing a living animal into this world and then sold it on, to vet the home of any potential new owner, reputable or not.
>A breed is no less reputable where they advertise. They can be knowledgable about all the bloodlines and will care about their reputation. What makes a reputable breeder is one who vets the homes that their pups

I think that you've misunderstood what Jac was saying.

To be reputable then the breeder will have built up a reputation for breeding good, quality dogs. So they will be known for the quality of their stock and thus have prospective puppy buyers approaching them for a puppy. They have no need to advertise because their kennel name will speak for itself.

Last year I was interested to see that people were wanting to buy whippets purely because of their colour. I know of someone who bought a whippet pup without even seeing it first. They saw it in the flesh for the first time the day that they handed the money over.

All of which means that they didn't meet the pup in the nest. They didn't meet the other pups, they didn't see how the pups interacted and played together and they didn't see how the dam treated those pups and how she reacted to strangers. Thus they hadn't a clue as to the temperament of that puppy before they took it home. They didn't see the conditions in which the pups were raised or really get to know the breeder at all.

IMO no amount of 'virtual' interaction between breeder and prospective buyer will ever mean as much as actually meeting people face to face. AND certainly not when it comes to assessing a puppies suitability as a companion animal.
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