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I'd love to have a go at racing Tascha, she really loved watching the rag thingy at Westhoughton that Saturday we went.

Now, saying that, I'm a complete novice, haven't got the slightest clue on where, how, or what to do.

So, come on all you peeps, advice wanted here, down to things like her food, how often, where, how long for etc etc etc. Anything you think a novice would need to know.

I don't want to do it at a professional level, just a bit of good fun and exercise for her.

BTW, she's on the dried dog food, Mark, what's it called again? I can't think off the top of my head, and the bag of it is downstairs in the back hall.
I'd love to get Binx into racing next year too, so another noob asking what to do :thumbsup:

Red mills andrea the dog food and raw mince :D
Get them ragging. Playing tug with them with all sorts of things.

Our old and mostly destuffed (thanks Whizz :b ) snake is great as you can drag it along the floor and the puppy can chase it, kill it and have lots of fun growling and playing tug with it and you.

In our house apparently everything is a potential ragger. Alan's jumpers, our socks, shoes, trousers, sweat shirts, dog coats, towels, my hair, dog bedding, you name it if he can get it into his mouth it'll be ragged.

Basically play with your puppy. I let mine win.

Other than that go racing. Watch, ask questions (though you'll get loads of different answers to the same question :b ) and learn.
Pop along to the Northern (Sundays from 1pm) and you'll get all the help and advice that you need from a friendly bunch! :cheers:
Copull, near Chorley. Not far from junction 27 off the M6!

Think we may be your nearest ped club! :thumbsup:
That sounds fun, I'd love to come along. Do we bring the Whippies or just hubbies and kids??? lol.

Also, explicit directions needed, total dunce when it comes to finding places.
Like Beejay says, start playing tug games with your puppies as soon as you get them and take them along to a racing club so that they can get used to the atmosphere. You won't be able to start trials behind a lure untill they are 6 months old but you can let them play with the lure and watch the other dogs. Also you will get to learn all about racing yourselves.