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When To Start Working On Rabbits


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My Mum started working my last Lurcher at about 1, the same with my Terrier, before one the Terrier wasn't really showing the hunting instict her parents and breed show, however within weeks she suddenly a master at dispatching rats and indicating which rabbit holes were occupied. This time my mums just got her new Lurcher 13 weeks, and ive got a 16 week greyhound, both intended for Rabbiting, my mum has just said that be waiting again, a while before trying her pup, just wondering what is the best time to start working a dog with rabbits.


oh yeah just picked the greyhound up yesterday, friend couldn't keep her, dad thinks me and mum are crazy with 4 dogs in the house now, however my uncles just cross, hes scared once there grown we are gonna have a better working team then him.
My last Greyhound was handing me rabbits daily from 6 months old .......but I hadn't trained her to do this, it was just in her ..........I personally think that its good to show the pup's what to do and let them watch pro's at work, ......but I do like to think they are fully grown and mature befor they're asked to work .......Just my personal opinion though ...... :luck: :luck: with your pup's ......
The sooner the better, especially the greyhound as it needs to learn that speed can kill! Good luck with them.
I,d wait a year before hunting.Let them have fun as puppys.2 years for deerhound / cross lurchers. (ish)

i always hang rabbits were the pups cant reach them so they are always interested in the smell dont allow them to rip them up.and start teaching them to retrive at a young age.when your pups are seven or eight months take the pups out with good working dogs but never let them run with the big dog as your pups could get injured or get in the way.never let them off the lead the first few times always let them see the chase its the want in them that makes them work.after that let them have a burn at it 1 at a time and then later that there mind is focused on there quarry not the competion of the other dog.and make sure they dont fight over anything toys or food as this could start a fight once they have caught the quarry.good luck with the the slower the better do not work your dog if u dont think its ready to eager can cause accidents.
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