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When To Let Offlead After Being Neutered?


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how long after a spay can you let a dog off lead for a run?

Leah got neutered on wednesday

has external stitches

and is going bonkers in the house & garden

nothing i've tried is tiring her out

shes allowed lead walks

but she wants off lead to run.

dont want her injuring herself or opening up stitches :wacko:

says on sheet we got home 10 days after spay?

any ideas on draining some energy safely?

i've gotten her knuckle bones, but she has them stripped in 20minutes :teehee:

anything like kongs. she can strip them in minutes :wacko:
I don't let mine off lead after a spay for a lot longer than 10 days .

Although the external stitches may be out there is still a lot of healing going on internally .

Mine just have to content themselves with lead walks :wacko:
with any injury err on the side of caution think of a time then add two weeks. I say this based on many errors letting dogs run too early after injury never been in precisely your situation though hence the lack of precision.
I always keep them under lead control for at least 2 weeks after speying, Lesley.

Difficult to do, but worth it in the end :thumbsup:
I was amazed when the vet told us we could run Nibs as soon as her stitches were out in 10 days. She was spayed midline though, and only had 2 stitches. He told us to let her do what she wanted, so we let her off in the field and she was away. I think she went back racing a couple of weeks after that!

I'd stick to lead only for 10-14 days, but if your vet says she can be let off lead after that, then I'd do just that. :thumbsup:
very hard with leah

lead walking isnt even taking the edge off her energy and bounciness :angry:

she was bouncing about the hallway with zoe when i was upstairs.

theres now some stickiness coming from her stitches :unsure:

when i lightly pressed a white cloth up against it

it came up slightly bloody.

ive put a new tshirt on her, as she ripped the last one off her.

apart from tying her down.

its very hard to stop her being hyper :wacko:

will keep an eye on her

and phone vets in morning, if anymore discharge comes from her stitches ;)
I was amazed when the vet told us we could run Nibs as soon as her stitches were out in 10 days. She was spayed midline though, and only had 2 stitches. He told us to let her do what she wanted, so we let her off in the field and she was away. I think she went back racing a couple of weeks after that! I'd stick to lead only for 10-14 days, but if your vet says she can be let off lead after that, then I'd do just that. :thumbsup:
My bitch was speyed midline too and her scar is completely invisible - I thought they were mostly done this way, but maybe not? Whatever, anyways, I just thought it was fantastic the way she healed.
I didnt let phoebe off for over a month she had internal and external stiches but she nearly deaid to other perblems :wub: :wub:
well leah has to go back to vets this afternoon

i checked her wound last night

and theres a lump under the stitches

and its oozing a bloody fluid.

vet reckons she may have bust an internal stitch
My bitch was spayed and on day 7 external stitches were growing in :( vet hasd never seen a dog heal like her, but she pulled so bad on her lead that i just didnt take her out at all apart from a little walk for a wee. TBH IMO i think the more they do the more they want to do and need to do, the rest did maisie good and the day after her stitches were out she was running around the fields, and a week after that was racing play by ear and your dog will let you know
if she's romping about with Zoe, could Zoe go on holiday with a friend for a week or two so she has no one to roll around with and pull her stiches more :luck: with her recovery x
i was neutered and let off the lead the very same night ;) ;) hahahahaha (w00t)