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Whats Your Job??


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:thumbsup: HI

Just wondering what people do to earn a living?

I currently work in Accounts doing admin and finance stuff -_- and also teaching riding freelance. :p

what do you do?
(w00t) well ya all know what i do,just in case you dont i make all my own doggy stuff ,i keep all your doggies in collars ,blankets ,beds ,jumpers ,pjs, and snuggles and anything else im asked to do :cheers:
i work in my dads fishing tackle shop part time so my mornings consist of maggots lol good job im not botherd by them :lol:
I work seasonal and part time on a 750 acre Farm...taking parties of schoolchildren/handicapped people, on organised visits to see all the animals including llamas, goats,sheep, donkeys, poultry etc...

I also pet sit when people go on holiday in my area. :) Mainly cats rabbits and smaller animals.
We had this question a few years back....shows how long I've been a member of this forum (w00t) .

I'm based in a University, but do the bookkeeping and admin for a small research company (4 days a week :cheers: ). I gave up my full time job at the University as a finance manager, as it got too stressful :( So, I got my wish to go parttime by the time I was 40 (I'm 40 this year (w00t) ).

I just want to own lots of whippets now...that's my next ambition :sweating: have a wonderful job!
I am a housewife, home all day and I rescue animals when I can and nurse sick animals. I advise nursing care on a pet forum especially concerning guinea pigs and ratties....I have 8 piggies and 10 ratties of my own. :wub:
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Well, for my sins I teach Secondary Science alongisde the much more important jobs of being mum to 6 beautiful whippets and being Chairman of a speedway supporters club :D
I work as a freelance design engineer for the car industry. -_- -_- -_-

I have just completed work on the Nissan QashQai.. .. ..

I work between Milton Keynes & Barcelona.

I hate it when I'm away from home :angry: :angry: :angry:

Just want to be walking my dogs...............

but -BOY- do I get a welcome off the whippets when I return..... :p :thumbsup: :p
What a good is nice to know a bit more about each other. :D

I'm retired now, I was a civil servant in the [now] Works & Pensions.

Although retired I do a bit of part-time work for Barnardo's looking after /taking out a couple of boys with autism. I got into this because I have a 15 year old grandson with autism. The boys are lovely and I am very fond of them.


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:blink: Im a trainer in customer services for call centre staff (some of them need all the help they can get!! :- " :lol:
I,m a housewife, :- " with a full time job of looking after 2 kids, 2 horses, 6 whippets , 1 grey and now 2 puppy whip,s (w00t) never have a minute to myself -_-
I'm a house mum, but also Reiki Master/teacher, have meditation classes massage etc.........but hoping to start new business soon too. :teehee:
i'm a housewife (no comments please from nicky,trish,hely & sarah :- " )
Housewife and whippet slave (but not very good at housework or cooking) :b
trac said:
i'm a housewife (no comments please from nicky,trish,hely & sarah :- " )
to be classed as a housewife ,you have to cook clean wash clothes and in general looks after your house ,as your always on here im wondering were you get the time to actualy do all this ?? :- " :p
Lab technician, but looking for new career after xmas if anyone has any ideas.....

Flowerpot, do you consider yourself a piggie expert? I have a piggie with suspected hormonal problem/diabetes/cushings. Any experience with this?
im a housewife and childminder, i look after 7 children as well as my own 3 :wacko:

thats why im sooooooo mental :wacko:

will also be starting to work for my o/h's buisness after chrimbo :thumbsup:
I was a credit controller at a private hospital but had to give it up to look after my mum.Although I do work 1 hour a day as a lunch time assistant at a local school. And I look after my 2 whippies
I am a secretary and look after 10 managers, can be pretty stressful at times when they are all demanding stuff!
I'm a PA at the country's largest defence company.

Work for 2 of the senior management and also look after a team of about 70 :eek: