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What's the Crack?

What a plonker

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I have decided to create my own topic because trying to find people that need my help is awful.  If you need any help or just want to talk to me leave a message in here.  Kipper will be in here all the time we have some good chats that anyone sensible? can join. :0

By the way everyone the Baroness Minge is getting married my new husband will be Duke Dickie.  After the wedding i will be thillfy rich as he owns all of the South New Zealand Whippet Racing Organisation.  So foreign breeding for my little bitch next year. :D My wedding day is the day of the championships next year so i will be getting married on the finishline so the dogs will have to run around me and my big pink with yellow spots wedding dress.

Look forward to hear from you all and look forward to helping.

Love you all my Posums.


(Kipper will you agree to be the page boy for my Wedding? Please, Please, Hope your freind Liked the Viagra, i did!)
hi there miss minge that will be a great honour for me to attendend such a star studded occasion with such celebritys on show and yes my friend said the bathroom floor is completely dry now he breaks the viagra in half his shoes are also dry for a change.I hope i am in order in booking the cabaret in the form of long dog and the burning rings who i have herd can make any event heated to say the least as he has proved whilst visiting scotland he sure made the sparks fly there and young Harry wanted to light the touch paper  it is a pleasure to see you back and introducing some inteligent imput once more hope to meet again soon kipper
Hiya Kipper thank you for agreeing to be my Page Boy you will look beautiful in the pink rabbit suit that you have to wear.  Did i tell you that before you agreed to do it?  No-one wants to talk to me so you and i can have a good civilised whippet talk.  No-one comes up to our level of whippet information.  I should get my own page in the whippet news do you think that i should.  Sort it out for me if you can bring some fun to that crap magazine.  I'll include a photo of me every week in the whippet news at a differant location with my Bitch.  That could be a competion Where's Minge this Month!!!! :D .  Look forward to hear from you or anyone who can handle the Baroness minge.

Love You all Posums.

Baroness Minge.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX :p   :p   :p   :)   :D  :0
quote--crap magazine !!!! you don't have to buy it you know........... ;)


I pay good money for my copy of Whippet News  and  enjoy  reading  it.

I wouldt pay a penny  for  the  CRAP  you  write.
et al, Barroness Minge is a self confessed troll - don`t get to excited!
Hi Michelle,  Was that  Troll  or  Trollop   ???   :D
I agree, a confessed trollop and i would imagine et al agrees,  lol   :p   :D   ;)
well i find this quite a laugh  do you ever read that whippet news because if you dont u will know that is not crap unless

its a miss quote by yourself. i think you have iffended some people and i think you should appologise to the editors of the  whippet news and all those who read it including me. because with out it we would'nt know what was going on  in the whippet world. because its very rare you get it of k9.

well i think tou have tried to put a bit of fun into the topics and some have took it the wrong way so please explain yourself more!!!!!! ???   :(   :angry:

thankyou for trying miss minge
I agree with you Ronnie, now theres rude for you   :angry:   :angry:

I think an apology would be in order   ;)

Tis not just a few A4 sheets  you see   :p

It is a proper magazine   :)   :D

And without our Whippet News there would be no Top Ten you see   :(   :(


Theres angry now I am   :angry:  :0
Well now then Miss Minge you have upset even Ronnie and he wants some upsetting i think that you had better explain i would think that it was  not your intention to upset anyone as your quite a pleasant lady ? and your forth comming wedding will be very quiet if none of the whippeteers you have invited turn up and that lovley cake will be wasted all that expence of dress suits wasted also even the kissogram with a real policeman will be so go on make all those u have upset happy and say sorry you did last time if i remember ? ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???

allways remember a still tongue makes a wise head !!!!!!!