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What's She Spotted Now

There is always something hiding that needs a Whippet to chase it. :wub:
What's he spotted now? (being as it was taken in Batsford Arboretum I'm guessing SQUIRRELS (w00t) ) He can stand like this for upto a minute (without the support of a lead), usually in long grass looking for miscellaneous furries.


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Still keen... I wish he'd stand like that when I want him to, without the aid of squirrels :- "

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:p Eli will happily 'assume the position' unaided, and bounce along on his back legs for long enough, looking for birdies over the wheat fields. His thighs are in danger of reaching body-builder proportions come harvest!
Nice pictures of Gelert too Elizabeth, its amazing how long you try to take a 'nice' piccy of them standing -then they look all soppy, it only takes a 'furry' :lol:
Janimal said:
Nice pictures of Gelert too Elizabeth, its amazing how long you try to take a 'nice' piccy of them standing  -then they look all soppy,  it only takes a 'furry' :lol:
No, he really resents being forced to do anything, and wilfully does the opposite. I was very amused to see pics of his half-sister Becka doing exactly the same when someone was trying to pose her, exactly the same 'I'm wriggling out of this whatever you do' position. :wacko: