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Have just received the papers from the newly registered Italian Greyhound Rescue Charity (No. 1104157) which I have read with a great deal of concern. :rant: Why is that money always has to rear its (very ugly in this case) head and seemingly spoil something that worked so well?

Not being privy to all the discussions that have took place at the various AGMs etc and have only heard what took place second hand and in the various news bulletins, my first thought is that the legacy should not be accepted and Mrs Smith should retain the money for her efforts in years gone by as the whole concept of the legacy seems to have been totally lost. (w00t)

I understand that the Rescue & Welfare fund was not short of a bob or two always being well supported at the shows and other events, so perhaps the legacy was not needed. Perhaps I am being naive about it, but it seems to have caused so much trouble, is it worth it. :eek:

Naturally, I would welcome anyone giving me more information and what others, who like me are on the outside looking in, also think.

I think that for sure the AGM will be another lively event this year! :- "

What you have got to remember Jan,is the lady who left this money to IG rescue and some other charities did so in the genuine belief that she was securing the future of Igs in need for years to come. Unfortunately it was an extremely large sum of money and this is what has caused the rift. The lady must be turning in her grave.

And just for info she was knocked down and killed on a zebra crossing whilst walking her IG.

It is not a question of not accepting the legacy, that is a done deal, it is more what should be done with it now that it is here. The money was for rescue and not for any one particular individual or the IG Society itself.

The rescue committee have taken advice about what to do with the money and how it should be handled and that is what they have tried to do. There comes a point when enough is enough. I know personally the amount of time and money the committee have invested in rescue over the years with very little or no thanks.

I for one am very glad that they have set up a new rescue independant of the main club and I have already joined.

I resigned as Chairman and from the IG Club a couple of years ago and it was the best decision I have ever made.

If I had the time I would have formed a new club because that is what is needed, it is not healthy for one club to have such a monopoly in a breed.
Poor woman :( , hope all her money goes to helping lot's of little IG's.
What I forgot to add this morning was that the new Rescue is starting from scratch with no money other than donations already pledged and will take up to £1,000 a year to run. No money from any previous IG rescue has been used in the setting up of the new rescue. The rescue is purely for the benefit of Italian Greyhounds in need and is for all Iggies regardless of whether they are show dogs or not.
Must say I've sent off my membership fee to the new charity as I firmly believe that those people have got so much experience and the infrastructure to assist the new charity it seems the most logical way to go.

Why does money always taint everything even when it's intended for the best possible purpose?
How do we join the charity? I would happily support the welfare of IGs anywhere.
Hi Zillott, I will send you copies of the joining form and anyone else who wants to join from here just let me know your addresses.
Just to let you know that the members and donations have been flooding in and the rescue is already secure to operate for its first year.

The support has been overwhelming which is brilliant. A really positive response. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the form Jan - will be sending it off when our road defrosts! (w00t)
Thanks to everyone who has asked for Membership forms, really great :thumbsup:
I've got my form from Shirley,so will be sending it off soon!! :thumbsup: