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Whippets Rule

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:( i gave epilepsy tablets to the wrong dog :(

at ten to five this morning i gave my whippet Badger 120mg of phenobarbitol which i was meant to be giving to Parker my beagle.

my husband has done this before but managed to grab the piece of bun before the dog swallowed it but i cannot beleive i have been so stupid..and i couldn't grab the piece of bun. :(

i gave him salty water to make him sick but it hasn't worked and i rang the vet just after five am who i'm sure was thrilled....he said not to worry too much and if i had soda chrystals to give him some as that would make him sick but i don't have any.

i now have a horrible day of waiting and worrying ahead of me...

my little whippet looks very cheesed off about having to drink salty water but managed to eat his breakfast just now but he's giving me a peeved expression.

i am such a :rant: :rant: :rant: moron.....aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh

sorry just really angry/upset/frustrated with could i possibly confuse a whippet with a beagle. :( :( :( :( :(
Woops! If the vet said he will be OK then try not to worry too much. I have those soda crystals in my cabinet for the very purpose of making my whips sick in case they get into something they shouldn't. Here in Australia they go by the brand name of Lectric and you buy them in the laundry aisle. I would suggest you buy some too and just keep them for this kind of thing. You give them a thumbnail sized piece, take them outside and usually within about 5 minutes up it all comes.

thanks for that i shall get some.

normally we keep mustard powder in the cupboard as this works very well mixed in a small amount of water and we both said last night we needed to get some more,just didn't think i'd need it yet.

the vet said he should be ok but will be very sedated and uncoordinated so now i have to stay home today just incase anything goes wrong..... he is very thirsty now as the salty water didn't come back up :angry: so i just gave him a cup of tea and he drank it all and had some water from his bowl....hopefully it will help flush everything through.

i just feel really guilty....trouble is, we've had a couple of near misses simply because it's early and all the dogs mill about but i've said from now on we simply put the piece of bun and pills in Parkers food bowl and not give them direct to the dog....they are fed in sperate rooms and all have different bowls and different food so we can't make that mistake doing it that way.

my biggest concern is really that Badger is almost twelve and he's had a rough ride the last few months and the last thing i needed is to go giving him epilepsy drugs....someone take me outside and shoot me.
Hi there,

I have done a similar thing. I gave 190mg phenobarb to the wrong whippet and rest assured that everything was okay - I just had a very chilled out and sleepy whippet for the next 12 to 24 hours.

My vet too said not to worry and didn't advise trying to make her vomit and there were no other side effects once the drowsiness wore off.

Just keep your whippet comfortable and keep an eye them in case they become a little unsteady on their feet and they'll be back to normal in no time.

Also, I give the meds in pieces of cheese and I give a piece to all the dogs and give the epileptic her tablets in cheese last so the others have their own and aren't fighting to get hers - seems to work quite well unless I'm an idiot and give the wrong piece to the wrong dog!!! (I make her piece considerably larger than the others now so I don't get it mixed up).
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Swiftlea said:
Hi there,
I have done a similar thing.  I gave 190mg phenobarb to the wrong whippet and rest assured that everything was okay - I just had a very chilled out and sleepy whippet for the next 12 to 24 hours. 

My vet too said not to worry and didn't advise trying to make her vomit and there were no other side effects once the drowsiness wore off.

Just keep your whippet comfortable and keep an eye them in case they become a little unsteady on their feet and they'll be back to normal in no time.

Bless you, thanks so much for that, it helps to know from someone else's experience.

he's already very uncoordinated and walking and swaying as though he's a bit drunk so i've covered him up and put him in his bed.

going to ring the vets again when they open just to get confirmation that nothing else untoward is likely to happen.
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I had an epileptic dog a few years ago and her daily dose of phenobarb. wasn't doing her any major harm other than a slight dopiness.

So I reckon if you've given it to the wrong dog it will only make them sleepy for a while and not cause any serious or lasting damage. The best thing to do is let them sleep it off because making them sick is likely to be more distressing for them by putting toxic stuff into their stomachs. Salt water and soda crystals are just going to make them feel ill instead of sleepy.

And don't beat yourself up - it was an accident :huggles:
You aint a moron, a human being yes and we all make mistakes, good luck with you dog.

:cheers: :luck:
Well done you for having the presence of mind and backbone to go public admit a (understandable at that time of day) mistake and ask for advice.
tdavepat said:
Well done you for having the presence of mind and backbone to go public admit a (understandable at that time of day) mistake and ask for advice.
Ive actually whapped my ladies immac up my jacksie in mistake for my bum cream, enjoy your breakfast
Ive actually whapped my ladies immac up my jacksie in mistake for my bum cream, enjoy your breakfast


your so funny keith, but its now called VEET not immac

midlanderkeith said:
tdavepat said:
Well done you for having the presence of mind and backbone to go public admit a (understandable at that time of day) mistake and ask for advice.
Ive actually whapped my ladies immac up my jacksie in mistake for my bum cream, enjoy your breakfast


If the vet isnt too worried dont beat yourself up over it

As already said we are all human and make mistakes :thumbsup:
Oh dear, dont beat yourself others have said we all make mistakes...Im sure he will be fine.

Archie has been on antibiotics this week, and Im on tablets myself and nearly took his instead of my own... :blink: :lol: :- "
As an ex-veterinary nurse, I can assure you that you are not the first, and certainly won't be the last person to do that! :p

Don't worry too much, you are doing the right thing by speaking to the vet about it, he will probably be fine by tomorrow :luck: :huggles:
thanks everyone :b :b

he's still fairly alert but just uncoordinated....just gave him some bikkies as an apology..i think he's accepted...well they've all gone anyway :lol:

i still can't believe i gave him the pills though:b

i mean look....really how much alike are they?

one is cute fawn,sweet and graceful and all pointy


the other one is multicolored, plump,retarded and has humungous ears

Awww they are beautiful even the multicolored, plump,retarded one who has humungous ears :lol:

I'm sure Badger will be fine - you did remember to then give the multicolored, plump,retarded one who has humungous ears his pill didn't you?
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Whippets Rule said:
thanks everyone :b   :b
he's still fairly alert but just uncoordinated....just gave him some bikkies  as an apology..i think he's accepted...well they've all gone anyway :lol:

i still can't believe i gave him the pills though:b

i mean look....really how much alike are they?

one is cute fawn,sweet and graceful and all pointy


the other one is multicolored, plump,retarded and has humungous ears


NOPE I cant tell the difference either... :lol: :huggles: :wub:
meddling said:
Awww they are beautiful even the multicolored, plump,retarded one who has humungous ears  :lol:
I'm sure Badger will be fine - you did remember to then give the multicolored, plump,retarded one who has humungous ears his pill didn't you?

yep remembered straight away to give the fat stupid one his pills :lol:

Badger is fine now and he had his kennel cough vaccine tonight so saw the vet and all is well.

thanks for all the replies peeps xxxxxxxxxx


Whippets Rule said:
meddling said:
Awww they are beautiful even the multicolored, plump,retarded one who has humungous ears  :lol:
I'm sure Badger will be fine - you did remember to then give the multicolored, plump,retarded one who has humungous ears his pill didn't you?

yep remembered straight away to give the fat stupid one his pills :lol:

Badger is fine now and he had his kennel cough vaccine tonight so saw the vet and all is well.

thanks for all the replies peeps xxxxxxxxxx

Good to hear - sleep well Badger :- " :D :wub: