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What Food Is Used As A Treat-training Purpose


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Yesterday when I got home, I gave my dogs their second meal of the day (BARF).

I then took them out for an evening strole.

I have been training them to return on call - as all whippets owners know, they just love to meet & greet everyone they see.

I had been using chocolate drops (doggy sweets not human) - and biscuit bones.


Last night I had no idea what to use, because I did not want to upset the balance of the BARF diet.

What treats can be carried around and used when the dogs are on a barf diet ? ?
I use either puffed jerky(normally available at pet shops),which is dried lung,or i make my own liver cake :thumbsup:
i cook liver in garlic, then chop it into little squares..................she loves it :x
,,we use liver too baked slowly in oven and have used nuts too if out of livet or those small dried spratts -fish made for cats
Burns sell 100% dried fish treats which my dogs love. Dried liver is great as well.

I get the odd sample of dried dog food for free in Pets At Home and use them as training treats sometimes. For the small amount they are getting I don't think it will have that big an effect on them.
Mine love Puffed Jerky (we get it in Tesco) and go wild for carrots! I think Logan would do anything for a carrot! :huggles: :lol:
What earlthy difference is it going to make what one uses as training treats when a dog is on a BARF diet? Unless the dog is eating raw meat and bones because it has an allergy?

Considering that dogs will eat 's..t with custard on it' or in our house, without the custard, I can't see that it matters.

Try making your own liver cake, 1lb raw liver, 8ozs brown bread, 1 egg, 2 cloves of garlic. Put all ingredients into liquidiser, blend, add egg. Place in loaf tin, bake in oven on medium heat until set. Cool, slice and cut up into squares. Bag up into portions, and freeze.

Or, buy garlic sausage, frankfurter or any other gross fatty cooked continental meat as a whole sausage. Slice up, put on baking tray and bake in low oven until dried out. Bag up and freeze.

The cheese in a tube is good when you want to keep your fingers clean, Primula with ham is a favourite of mine, you just squeeze a bit out of the tube and they lick it - easy.

The above work out cheaper than buying dog treats. Have fun.