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what egm lets just race

tony warren

New Member
Reaction score
lets talk how all our new young stock are doing and help each other with any teething probs they may .
what a good idea, i hear there are some good up and coming pups this year :D

we have three new pups for this year all of then called nun! nuninthemorning---nunintheevening-----and nunatall all will be using whatever it takes to get ahead--or a ar-e infront Harry will be sending you a card from Italy where he has gone for about ten days skiingall part of the trainers wages you have to find him when he comes to train for you !!!!! he dont come cheap mate!!!!hope to see you Sunday.....???????????Steve withoout the trainer !!
steve look forward to harrys card from italy sorry not replyed sooner as been on shift but back now . i like it on here though steve they have got me down as a young member not bad for 44 hey lol
steve could you give me the results of yesterday if you have them cheers .
The results are up already Tony under heading tips for derby.

Sorry you weren't there yesterday, it was a good days racing.

It was a day for the boys yesterday, the builder and mad mick ran brilliantly, what a pleasant change to see dogs take the supreme instead of bitches.

Hope to see you soon.

Harry is still on the piste.
cheers stev i would like to say to ted fox and his little dog rag crazy well done he run like he was on fire,