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What Does Your Dog Do.....


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Pimms o:) ...........

1. Growls hello when you talk to her.

2. Has rabbit chasing dreams :wub:

3. Gets hiccups and gets really confused by it!

4. Likes chasing feet which are under duvets :p

5. Snuggles right up on my feet on the sofa in the morning or at night :wub: .


Kobi too does a low growling 'talk' to greet me. :) :p

Oscar does his whippet break dancing after a bath. :D :lol:

Both like to snuggle under the duvet on mornings with me. :)

Oscar likes to drink cold tea from my nearly empty mug :p
well ive two that talk each morning they greet me and even kiplin as started to join in so youve heard of the cats choir well imagine dog choir :lol:

also kiplin loves to pinch my shoes or slippers and i chase him to get them back, he loves that :lol:

and mine all want the dregs of tea in the bottom of my cup :lol:
Tea drinking must be a Whippet thing - Kiah has loved drinking cold tea dregs ever since a small pup!

First thing she does in the morning is go out for a piddle then race upstairs and fly onto the bed, then straight under the duvet. She will definately be useful when its frosty - whippets always seem to feel hot :thumbsup:

Chewing womens shoe heels is a not so welcome trait - she has written off several pairs over the last few months - doent care for mens though fortunately :sweating:
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My favourite thaings that make me smile....

Archie sits on my lap and holds onto my shoulders with his paws and gives me a 'whippet lap dance'!! :lol:

When I lie on the bed Stan drives his head and body between the back of my neck and bed :blink:

When Stan will lie in the most uncomfortable position imaginable as long as it is next to his mum :wub:

When you scratch Stans back end and he does a little seagull dance (pats his feet up and down!)

When Archie catches anything (ball, scrunched up paper) he is the proudest dog around and does a right prancey dance around (it took him until he was 18months to catch :b )

When they both jump under the duvet with me and Stan curls up in the crook of my knees and Archie by my belly :wub: :huggles: :wub:

When poor Stan (who is so starved) tries to lick chewing-gum off the pavement (w00t) (w00t)

I could go on and on.....
Mine aren't into tea...but they love to lick the creamy top off a pint of caffreys :cheers:
GemmaT said:
Pimms  o:)   ...........
1.  Growls hello when you talk to her.

2.  Has rabbit chasing dreams  :wub:

3.  Gets hiccups and gets really confused by it!

4.  Likes chasing feet which are under duvets  :p

5.  Snuggles right up on my feet on the sofa in the morning or at night  :wub: .


I used to let my whippy kip at the side of my bed on a chair, not no more :( now im quite partial to a tongue down my lug hole like the next man, :p but not a dogs

especially at 3 am, and sometimes when im larkin about with her her gives me a kiss tongues again, i swear to god her fancies me, comin to summat init when all i can pull these days is a dog :lol:

keith :thumbsup:

1 when ollie goes balistic cause hes seen a spider (hes right scardy cat ) :- "

2 when blue comes out of the bath and does the drying dance :lol:

3 when your all cwtched up on sofa and both let one rip :x (if it makes a noise they both look at me as if to say wasnt me mum :- "

4 when ther play fighting and have this look on ther faces like ther guna kill eachother (w00t)

5 when ollie eats the skin of the cucumber and blue tryes a piece his face is a picture :lol:
1. DeeDee also makes those little low pitched growling noises when we come home or when she's excited about something :)

2. The way she sings when she yawns.

3. The way she always leaves just her bottom sticking out when sleeping under a duvet - we think that's how she must breath... :thumbsup:

4. The way she goes up to the cat, lifts her paw, and waves it. We think this is an imitation of what Saffy does to say "You're in my way, move it whippet girl or I'll scratch your face" but DeeDee seems to have interpreted it as how cats say hello... :blink:

5. The way she asks to be picked up and carried around like a baby :b We shouldnt let her really, as it's very spoilt and un-dog like, but she starts by coming up to you, ears back, and puts her nose on your knee. Then if you give her any encouragement, she puts both paws on your knee. As soon as you bend down, she then gives a little jump with her back legs so she's in your arms, head over your shoulder, eyes shut... :wub:

I could go on and on but I'll leave it at that :wub:
When I turn into the drive and see two little faces at the lounge window, especially when I thought I had left them in the kitchen (w00t) (w00t)

When they both charge upstairs together and immediately turn round at the top and charge back down again because the cat is sitting there and they are both scared of her :b :b

When we have settled down to watch tv in the evening and Sparky wriggles his way onto the back of everyones chair in turn to see which one he likes best and always chooses the one Peter is sitting in :huggles:

When the telephone rings and Sparky always goes and stands next to it as though it is for him :thumbsup:

When Dylan totally ignores me in the morning as I pad around in my jammies and then treats me to an incredible welcome when I appear a bit later dressed :blink:

When Sparky was young and I took him to walk round a market to get him used to crowds and I looked down at him and he had a ball of knitting wool in his mouth he had obviously pinched from a stall :oops:

I could go on and on and on, my two boys are the best.

But, changing the tone slightly the night my father died the house was quiet everyone had eventually gone to sleep, I came downstairs and sat in the lounge with my thoughts, Sparky who never gets up in the night if you come downstairs, got up and joined me on the settee and sat cuddled close to me all night, I don't think he slept but just kept licking away my tears, I love that little dog so much.

Janimal said:
Kobi too does a low growling 'talk' to greet me. :)   :p

Oscar does his whippet break dancing after a bath. :D :lol:  

Both like to snuggle under the duvet on mornings with me. :)

Oscar likes to drink cold tea from my nearly empty mug  :p

:oops: forgot to add I love the way Kobi BARKs at the hoover - its so funny makes me laugh out loud. :D
Dolly eats Red Mills Dog Food. Sometimes the pieces are all stuck together in a lump, so she throws it all around the floor, bouncing about, until it eventually breaks up, and she then eats it. :lol:


She lies down in funny places. -_- -_-

The dog washing basket with clean vet beds.


I threw a dirty dog bed outside so she decided to lie on it to catch the sun. Unfortunately we still had building rubble in the garden. The RSPCA will be on to me for keeping her in unsuitable conditions!! :unsure: :unsure:


She still can't usually get into her snuggle bed, so she just stands by it and makes funny noises, so that I have to tuck her in. :D

I love the way she 'woo woos' at us sometimes. :)
i dont think our Bandit has the right idea for retrieving a stick thrown in the forest....As twice he has come back with ladies thong and bra......
My Honey likes to drink my tea usually before me :x she also like to bite my hair when i am washing up, jumps up behind me on her back legs!!

When i sit down and they all decide at once to sit on my lap :lol:

When they are sleeping, looking at them makes me smile :wub: :wub: :wub: :b

When i am peeling veg, as soon as i get to the carrots they all fly from no where to have some!!doesnt happen to any other veg except carrots!!

all snuggling up in bed, and me laying twisted and contorted for hours so as not to disturb my whippies!! :lol:

The way they all "roo roo" its the best noise ever :teehee:
Pamw said:
i dont think our Bandit has the right idea for retrieving a stick thrown in the forest....As twice he has come back with ladies thong and bra......
Sounds like you live in a lovely area!! (w00t) (w00t)
quintessence said:
When I turn into the drive and see two little faces at the lounge window, especially when I thought I had left them in the kitchen (w00t)   (w00t)
When they both charge upstairs together and immediately turn round at the top and charge back down again because the cat is sitting there and they are both scared of her  :b   :b

When we have settled down to watch tv in the evening and Sparky wriggles his way onto the back of everyones chair in turn to see which one he likes best and always chooses the one Peter is sitting in :huggles:

When the telephone rings and Sparky always goes and stands next to it as though it is for him :thumbsup:

When Dylan totally ignores me in the morning as I pad around in my jammies and then treats me to an incredible welcome when I appear a bit later dressed :blink:

When Sparky was young and I took him to walk round  a market to get him used to crowds and I looked down at him and he had a ball of knitting wool in his mouth he had obviously pinched from a stall :oops:

I could go on and on and on, my two boys are the best.

But, changing the tone slightly the night my father died  the house was quiet everyone had eventually gone to sleep, I came downstairs and sat in the lounge with my thoughts, Sparky who never gets up in the night if you come downstairs, got up and joined me on the settee and sat cuddled close to me all night, I don't think he slept but just kept licking away my tears, I  love that little dog so much.


Jenny what a lovely story and what lucky dogs they are. :huggles:
Ah, Jenny, that's sweet

the thing I used to love, and still really miss, about our Sunny was the way he would stand in the middle of the room, right in front of the telly, still as a statue, just staring at you . . . . . .then the second you looked him in the eye, his tail would start wagging, and it would get faster, and faster and faster!! then you had to say to him 'whats wrong Sunny boy?' and he would bark his head off (w00t) but funnier than that, his front feet used to bounce up and down with each bark, it never failed to make me smile :b

Devon lies on my bed waiting for me to walk in the room, he then spins round the bed as fast as he can and acts like he is going to attack me! but its only his silly game, he stops as soon as you offer him a cuddle :huggles: and he does that dancing thing if you scratch above his tail

Genie sits in the middle of the room 'yipping' at me for attention, and she bites your finger nails if you flick them :wacko: and she wriggles around in your arms until she is lying like a baby :- "

Zoe does the starey thing with her bum up in the air, then she barks like crazy, then she leaps on your lap and does squirmey-wormey and diggy-digs - nice if you have a jumper not, not so nice if you are wearing a vest top :rant: still makes me smile though :thumbsup:

I could go on and on . . . .
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* Morgan rushes out of the room if she farts (w00t)

* Zoomie and I waltz together - I hold him in my arms, put his left paw in my right hand and we waltz around the room.. he's my little Fred Astaire

* The Supermodel chases her tail if she wants a biscuit (and she's nearly five!)

* Zoomie and Lottie were 'boxing' the other night and I laughed at them - they both froze and gave me such a look of disgust that I ended up on the floor giggling with shame.

* I went to visit my neighbour this week and Milly 'fetched' me one of her chickens!! Luckily it wasn't hurt but it was very funny when she 'handed' it to me.

* Pheonix snores

*Zinzin 'wiggles' on her back and steals tea. She can also take up a 'whole' sofa!

* Ach, they all make me smile every day when I cuddle them - I just love each of them very, very much :wub: :wub: :wub:
kitty said:
what a beautiful  thread this is !
I agree -it's making me smile just reading it! :)

> I love the way Jonah trots around the house looking so pleased with himself!

> Muffin drinking the water out of my bedside mug - it tastes better than his own!

> Watching Muffin charge around the garden with his ball on a rope - you can see how happy he is. :D

> Jonah trying to jump on the bed and not quite succeeding and sliding off again. :clown:

> Whenever my husband (a vicar) rattles the church keys, Muffin is there waiting to go up to the church with him. :lol:

> Taking Muffin & Jonah on their first walk together. They were both so good and I felt very proud to be seen with them. :huggles:

> When Jonah is tired he is very cuddly, just like a teddy bear. -_-

> When we make a cup of tea, Muffin & Jonah are there sitting behind us waiting for theirs.

> Watching Jonah go up the stairs. He tries to go as fast as Muffin and is very frustrated that he can't. :unsure:

> They just make me smile being there. :wub: :wub: