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What Do You Think I Should Do? - Spaying


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Well this is Jess. Our beloved 3 year old whippet bitch



She was our first whippet and had her for 2 years until we got Lily (our other beloved whippet :)) ) Neither of them are spayed bt we are planning on getting Lily spayed nearer Christmas,, but mum wants Jess spayed aswelll... bit of a dilema really ..

Pros of getting Jess spayed at that she will be season free and wont be at risk of a accidental pregnancy (( shes a real flirt )) and we heard that if you leave a bitch unspayed without getting pregnant she can develop some kind of cancer?? Could some clever person tell me how true that is and how likley it is to happen.

Cons of getting her spayed.. we have been told several times that jess would go really far in the showing world as her markings are really stunning but showing isnt our thing really!!! So.. theres not much chance of her being shown. but before we got Lily we were going to breed from her, we even were in the process of finding her a stud when we went to a breeder and fell in the love with Lily (newborn) so ended up dropping the breeeding thing and getting Lily instead.. You've probably all heard the saying whippets are like peanuts you cant just have one :lol: lol. So anyway my mum wasnt 100% happy with us breeding from jess cos although she would make a excellent mother we only live in a terrace house with a tiny garden plus we have work/school. so although my mum was willing to take the first few weeks off we didnt think we had to knowledge ect. So we thought that now we do have quite a bit of knowledge about breeding maybe one day (haha) if we moved to a bigger house ect then we would breed from jess and carry on her wonderful bloodlines she has (related the whippet that won crufts)

so what dya reckon?? to spay or not to spay 8) all comments welcome
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Hi, Spaying has been quite a contraversal (sp) subject on here! Alot of different views. If you look in the FAQ section there are lots of old threads and info on there i believe. May be of some help :thumbsup: Also I believe it is usaully not recommended to breed a bitch after 3 if its her first litter as the risk of complications increases with age - i think its to do with the pelvic area becoming more 'set' as the bitch gets older and not being as easy to free whelp. Please correct me if im wrong someone! :thumbsup:
whippynit said:
Hi, Spaying has been quite a contraversal (sp) subject on here! Alot of different views.  If you look in the FAQ section there are lots of old threads and info on there i believe.  May be of some help :thumbsup:    Also I believe it is usaully not recommended to breed a bitch after 3 if its her first litter as the risk of complications increases with age - i think its to do with the pelvic area becoming more 'set' as the bitch gets older and not being as easy to free whelp.  Please correct me if im wrong someone! :thumbsup:
Yep...the pelvis "fuses" after 3yrs ish and I personally would not breed a maiden bitch after this as I have experienced problems first-hand with this in the past...though that said it is more of a concern with large headed breeds such as Bulldogs,Staffs and Rotts.

The feeling regarding cancer is that entire bitches are more prone to mammary tumours.

My views on speying/neutering are that I am for it if you do not intend to breed from your bitches/dogs...there are enough unwanted dogs in this world without adding to it and we all know accidents can and DO happen and no matter how many people say to you before the litter arrive that they are interested in one...for some reason after they are born these people seem to be very scarce on the ground! And even if you do wish to show in the future,you can contact the KC telling them that your bitch is speyed and they will now issue a covering letter,that if asked for at a show you can produce. :D
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I would say dn't spey, simply as onece done, you can't change your mind. In the event of an "accident" due to too much flirting (!!!) the vet can inject her for you.

The issue about cancers in unspeyed bitches is simple. It is possible for any bitch to get uterine cancer, just like people. If the uterus has been removed, so has the risk of cancer in it. Simple! No great risk if not speyed, just no risk at all if she is.

Whippetwomen said:
Well this is Jess. Our beloved 3 year old whippet bitch


She was our first whippet and had her for 2 years until we got Lily (our other beloved whippet  :)) ) Neither of them are spayed bt we are planning on getting Lily spayed nearer Christmas,, but mum wants Jess spayed aswelll... bit of a dilema really ..

Pros of getting Jess spayed at that she will be season free and wont be at risk of a accidental pregnancy (( shes a real flirt )) and we heard that if you leave a bitch unspayed without getting pregnant she can develop some kind of cancer?? Could some clever person tell me how true that is and how likley it is to happen.

Cons of getting her spayed.. we have been told several times that jess would go really far in the showing world as her markings are really stunning but showing isnt our thing really!!! So.. theres not much chance of her being shown. but before we got Lily we were going to breed from her, we even were in the process of finding her a stud when we went to a breeder and fell in the love with Lily (newborn) so ended up dropping the breeeding thing and getting Lily instead.. You've probably all heard the saying whippets are like peanuts you cant just have one  :lol: lol. So anyway my mum wasnt 100% happy with us breeding from jess cos although she would make a excellent mother we only live in a terrace house with a tiny garden plus we have work/school. so although my mum was willing to take the first few weeks off we didnt think we had to knowledge ect. So we thought that now we do have quite a bit of knowledge about breeding maybe one day (haha) if we moved to a bigger house ect then we would breed from jess and carry on her wonderful bloodlines she has (related the whippet that won crufts)

so what dya reckon?? to spay or not to spay  8)   all comments welcome

I have just had Tilly speyed, she is 2 3/4, sticthes come out on Friday.

I have never wanted to breed from her or show her so had her done.

She alway got upset when in season, she has had three, it was never about the mess

Good luck what ever you decide
Psychopenny said:
I would say dn't spey, simply  as onece done, you can't change your mind.  In the event of an "accident" due to too much flirting (!!!) the vet can inject her for you.

The injection used in the event of an accidental mating are hormone injections and are not without side effects. It is not something i would want to be doing. As well as cancers there is a risk of pyometra (womb infection) in any unspayed bitch. Why dont you speak to the breeder of one of your girls I am sure they will be happy to chat it through with you. In the end do what is right for Lilly & your mum. Goodluck :luck:
My personal opinion is all dogs should be spayed and nuetured unless you intend to breed from them and know you will get good homes for all the puppies. So many unwanted dogs over here in Ireland because people dont spay and nueter their pets. Also I have heard two spayed bitches tend to get on better than two that are unspayed. Good luck whatever you decide :luck: