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What breed is my new pup & what should I call him?


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[SIZE=12pt]I received a 9 week old puppy for my birthday around two weeks ago after my previous dog had sadly passed away due to old age. I love this little pup to bits and he has definitely fit right into my family (feels like he's been here the whole time, haha). The only two issues I have are as follows:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- What breed is he exactly? He was given to me by my parents who were told that the dog was a Lurcher... Unfortunately that is all the breed info the previous owners gave. Having spent a month with the little guy, I see a lot of terrier traits in him and have a feeling he may be crossed with something. Can you guys tell from the video/pics I uploaded what his breed may be?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- What shall I name him? Unfortunately he's gone a couple weeks without a name and I really don't want to have to leave it much longer as I'd like for him to get used to his new name. I just haven't been able to think of a name right enough for him, and every time I come up with something I start to dislike it five minutes later.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]His traits are (which may help you find a name for him):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- He whines CONSTANTLY. As soon as I leave him in a room for even just 10 seconds while I pop to the bathroom or something, he starts crying. I think he is just desperate for attention, which (being self-employed) I have more than enough time to do of course.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- He play bites CONSTANTLY also. I am currently in the process of trying to get him to stop biting so much whenever somebody strokes him, but no luck yet. He doesn't ever put any force down on his bites, but to get my hands and face covered in puppy spit every time I go near him gets a bit tiresome at times.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]- He is brindle/orangey brown coloured.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Short video of him (small 6mb download) -[/SIZE]


9 Weeks old (2).jpg

9 Weeks old (1).jpg

11 weeks old (1).jpg

11 weeks old (2).jpg

11 weeks old (3).jpg
Lurchers are, usually, dogs crossed with greyhounds or whippets. The other breed could be anything from a collie to a terrier. Your pup, looks to me, as though he has some Staffie in him. This breed is often used to cross with a greyhound or whippet to give them some courage.

I would find a trainer, registered with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT). They will give you specific advice on rearing and training your pup to become a friendly and sociable dog. Very important with Staffies and Staffy crosses. They often run Puppy Classes which are great fun because the pups all get to play and socialise. Owners can share their problems and get professional help to deal with them.

Good luck with him and I hope you come up with a name soon!
Aww what a cutie. He definitely looks like he has some staffie in him crossed with another dog possibly a lurcher if that is was you were told but it's still a little early to tell and you may never know completely. As for names it's important to choose a name asap as it will help with training. Also, even though you have a lot of time to give now he does need to learn to be left for short periods of time or I worry he may end up developing separation anxiety which will not be good for him no matter how much time you can dedicate to him. He needs to learn to be happy on his own for short periods. If you need help with this there are a lot of good dog trainers on here who would be able to assist with telling you how to start.
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I would definitely say there is some staffy in there. Looks a lot like my little Hugo although looks a bit longer as mine is staff x english bull. I would attach a photo for you to see but I don't know how x
I would keep guessing as to what types of dog are in your chaps breeding.

After all a "lurcher" is only a cross breed/mongrel with certain charactaristics, so many look alike as puppies. No one can be accurate with this type of crossbreed

If you love him for whatever he may look like then I would be satisfied with that!

Have fun with your new puppy and keep guessing !
As others have said a Lurcher is a cross between a sight hound and another breed. Their are various common crosses, Staffy,, Bedlington, or Collie are the most common. The general idea is to give a dog with close to a sight hound in speed but with a thicker coat to protect it and a bit more substance. They are generally thought by hunting people to be better at rabbiting than a pure sight hound. But I will say that most make wonderful pets as indeed do sight hounds.
Looks awfully like a whippet to me, with a bit of a terrier head. I would love to know how he turns out.Male whippets can be very clingy. I like to think they're just being a faithful hound.