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What Am I Going To Do With Him?


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Him being my beautiful, funny, gentle and daft 10 month old Milo who, in the last month, has turned into the most awful Randy Pants. He will not leave either of my two spayed girls alone but especially Gracie and he has his nose permanently stuck up her bottom. As per usual he tried it on with her tonight and she nearly took his face off. He looked so crestfallen and I am now somewhat concerned that Gracie really might have a serious go at him if it continues. He humps anything and everything and walked across the garden this afternoon on his own doing the hump walk! Yesterday I found him trying it on with one of the cats, who just stood there and let him. He has always been very good off lead but will now take off after anything and the timing of this coincides with his change in behaviour.

I was talking to a lady at obedience classes who has her five year old Beagle chemically castrated and I am trying to read everything I can about the various options. Milo is a lovely boy and in no way aggressive even with all this testosterone coursing around his body. He is my first dog puppy for many years and he is only 10 months old. As castration seems so final at such a tender age, can anyone offer any advice? Could this behaviour lessen as his hormones settle and what length of time are we talking about. Any advice would really be appreciated.
CSJ do a herbal supplement called 'Down Boy', I have an almost full tub of it if you want to try it. I didn't use it for long in the end as separation proved to be the only option (Rosie was coming into season, hence Rifle's sudden!). I'd never had a problem with him before so I can't really advise otherwise but it might be worth a try before taking more 'drastic' action ;) PM me your address if you want to give it a go.
It is perfectly normal for dogs to start this behaviour at about this age. It's a phase. If they haven't got other dogs to try it on with, they opt for the likes of fluffy cushions! I certainly would not be contemplating messing about with the hormones of a young dog.

The best way for him to learn is to get a damn good telling off; from you and the other dogs. He'll soon learn its unacceptable and it won't last long. As he's a pet and won't be used for breeding, being strongly discouraged from this behaviour is no bad thing.
Sounds like normal teenage dog behaviour to me. When Logan was a similar age to what Milo is now; he was a right randy little beggar – he tried it on with Holly a few times but got such a rollocking off her (which I allowed her to do) that he soon learned that it was not a good idea. Instead he decided that the cushions would make a suitable substitute. Obviously I didn’t want him doing this either and after a few weeks of very firm ‘No’s’ every time he tried it on the behaviour stopped.

He is just at that pretty horrible teenage boy stage now – I am expecting Ned to hit the same phase any time now too.
I have got one the same. Cant offer any good advise as I havent found a cure myself. Fen is madly in love with Daisy. He is entire, she is speyed.

This has gone on for nearly 4 years. He is obsessed with her. Gazes at her all love struck, follows her everywhere. He spends ages licking her face,

ears , armpits and tummy. He is not too interested in her 'bits' but humps her head.!!!

We are a multi dog household consisting of 3 entire males. 2 entire bitches and 5 that are castrated or speyed.

Fen doesn't show a lot of interest in the in season bitches and preferes to be faithful to Daisy.(or perhaps he prefers safe sex!!!)

This problem doesn't only occur when bitches are in season. It's an ongoing thing. Worse in times of excitement. e.g when someone comes

to the house, at a show or out for a walk.

I have tried 'Down Boy'. No difference. Chemical castration is expensive. Cant have him castrated if we want to show him.

I have been told that it is an obsession and wouldn't make a lot of difference if we had him done.

I too would be interested if anyone has any ideas.
I have got one the same. Cant offer any good advise as I havent found a cure myself. Fen is madly in love with Daisy. He is entire, she is speyed.This has gone on for nearly 4 years. He is obsessed with her. Gazes at her all love struck, follows her everywhere. He spends ages licking her face,

ears , armpits and tummy. He is not too interested in her 'bits' but humps her head.!!!

We are a multi dog household consisting of 3 entire males. 2 entire bitches and 5 that are castrated or speyed.

Fen doesn't show a lot of interest in the in season bitches and preferes to be faithful to Daisy.(or perhaps he prefers safe sex!!!)

This problem doesn't only occur when bitches are in season. It's an ongoing thing. Worse in times of excitement. e.g when someone comes

to the house, at a show or out for a walk.

I have tried 'Down Boy'. No difference. Chemical castration is expensive. Cant have him castrated if we want to show him.

I have been told that it is an obsession and wouldn't make a lot of difference if we had him done.

I too would be interested if anyone has any ideas.
Aww. bless him.... faithful to the love of his life :wub:
The hump walk hahaha! Hope he settles down soon, hormones, eh?
I used Gelsenium by Dorwest Herbs for one of my boys who was being a real pain and it worked really well. As its only a herbal remedy I am sure it would be allright on a 10 month old boy but if you ring Dorwest Herbs they are really helpful.
chemical castration isnt expensive ive had it done 2 weeks ago with a mad terrier im having problems with! :thumbsup: hes aggressive not randy i wouldnt use it on a normal teenage dog who's just randy its his hormones bless him ;) hell grow out of it!
Thanks to all who replied and all advice and comments taken on board. I must admit my patience is starting to wear thin and on our walk this afternoon, every dog or person Milo saw, no matter how far in the distance, he took off and disappeared. However, the worst was yet to come. As we were crossing a field to the track home, (which runs parallel to a bridleway) , I heard a thunder of hooves and over a hedge saw a riderless horse bolting up the track not bridleway. Thank God Milo came charging up behind me and I could rugby tackle him otherwise he would have shot onto the track and under the horse. My nerves are shredded and from then on the poor boy was on the lead for the rest of the walk.

He's not safe off lead so he is consigned indefinitely to it - no place for a whippet really.
I used Gelsenium by Dorwest Herbs for one of my boys who was being a real pain and it worked really well. As its only a herbal remedy I am sure it would be allright on a 10 month old boy but if you ring Dorwest Herbs they are really helpful.
We have 3 entire males, 1 gsd and 2 whippets, at about this age we had this problem to with all of them, each acted every so slightly differently...... luckily it didn't last too long although if you ask our gsd girl she has had many a face hump and put up with it. :wacko: Our Mr Zig at the same age had a particular thing for her ears (w00t) a combination of firm 'no', blowing on his ears ( don't ask me why he doesn't like this nor why it stops him!) and the administration of Gelsenium worked to perfection. Even now if we have a bitch in season the gelsenium works to supress the urge in the boys and if administered to the girls also seems to put them all on an equal hormone balanace....

He will get over it... :thumbsup:
Hi, I can't help with the humping, I only have bitches. However, Daisy went through a running off and not coming back phase at about a year old. I took her to a safe place and let her off, she ignored my call so when she wasn't looking I hid from her. I watched her start to panic when she couldn't see me ( eventually). I let her search for a few minutes knowing she couldn't get out and lost then stood, blew my whistle, called her and walked away. She was MUCH better after that.
i had a simular problem with my 2 whole males but i suppose i was lucky or unlucky depends how you look at it to have a very off sex unhappy bull whippet lurcher bitch who soon put them in their place lol they are a lot more carefull now about trying to hump anything :thumbsup:
Thanks again to all who took the trouble to reply. I have to order from Dorwest for some more joint supplement for my little three legged girl so am going to have a look at their remedies (Gelsenium - thanks Janet). Thanks to Lal for your kind offer and if Gelsenium doesn't do the trick, I'll be in touch. If I find a miraculous remedy I'll pass it on to Pat Cope and if I don't I may ask to borrow Hawky's bull whippet lurcher bitch! :blink:

I know it's perfectly normal behaviour for a boy of this age but it doesn't stop it being a pain in the a@*e, as much for my girls as for me and Gracie has started chewing her tail giving herself a bald spot - RMSS (randy male stress syndrome?! :wacko: ) Any further ideas gratefully received.