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What A Start To The New Year !

The A Team

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hi racers , What a start to the new year we have had . On jan 2 me and Julia found my mum had passed away overnight sat in her chair ,still she was 82 and it was the way she wanted to go .On the dog front our 2 13 year olds harry and harvey have been finding it hard going and in the past couple of weeks they have both been struggling , going of there food drinking for England trembling and just looking miserable, We knew sooner or later we would have to make a decsion as its horrible watching them go down hill so fast. On the yonger racers like most of you we have had 3 months of racing and just over the the past 3 or 4 weeks we have got back to some serious walking,we also have the use of some horse gallops to get a bit of runing in, the dogs love it, its get them back strething the muscles and freshens them up after a long winter inside. Last sunday we thought we would we would give them a good blow out around the gallops before we start back racing at club level, we got to the gallops at about 9-30, it had been a very wet night so it was boggy in places, it takes us about 20 mins to walk there so the dogs are nice and warm when we got there, the gallops cover about 2 miles with lots of scrubland between the gallops. After about 30 mins we started to walk back to the gate after a good bit of exercise, all of a sudden a hare hopped across the gallops about 100 yds in fronf of us, all 4 dogs set of for the chase, But following the hare was a big dog fox, all 6 animals tore of into the scrub, we soon rounded them back up and the only damage seemed to be a small tear on the back of Oscar, just as if he had gone under a barbed wire fence and got caught, we walked home and everyone seemed fine, the rest of Sunday was a nice relaxing day. julia had monday of work, the dogs all seemed fine, that was untill Monday eve about 10 oclock Oscar got up and was sick, I put him outside , cleaned up, let him in 5 mins later, he was dribbling from the mouth, his hackles were up and his breathing very heavy, within 30 mins Oscar was having a job to breath, I rang the vet, geting her out of bed, she said get over to the surgury straight away,it was nearly midnight. By this time Oscar was in big trouble his muzzle was facing the cieling sucking in every bit of air. Oscar spent 4 days and nights at the surgery, with a collaped lung. we picked Oscar up on Friday, at the same time we took our 2 old boys in and had them put to sleep, what a week, at this time Sunday 27 Oscar seems to be making a recovery, we dont know at this time if Oscar will ever race again. Has this type of injury affected anyone else in racing
hi racers , What a start to the new year we have had . On jan 2 me and Julia found my mum had passed away overnight sat in her chair ,still she was 82 and it was the way she wanted to go .On the dog front our 2 13 year olds harry and harvey have been finding it hard going and in the past couple of weeks they have both been struggling , going of there food drinking for England trembling and just looking miserable, We knew sooner or later we would have to make a decsion as its horrible watching them go down hill so fast. On the yonger racers like most of you we have had 3 months of racing and just over the the past 3 or 4 weeks we have got back to some serious walking,we also have the use of some horse gallops to get a bit of runing in, the dogs love it, its get them back strething the muscles and freshens them up after a long winter inside. Last sunday we thought we would we would give them a good blow out around the gallops before we start back racing at club level, we got to the gallops at about 9-30, it had been a very wet night so it was boggy in places, it takes us about 20 mins to walk there so the dogs are nice and warm when we got there, the gallops cover about 2 miles with lots of scrubland between the gallops. After about 30 mins we started to walk back to the gate after a good bit of exercise, all of a sudden a hare hopped across the gallops about 100 yds in fronf of us, all 4 dogs set of for the chase, But following the hare was a big dog fox, all 6 animals tore of into the scrub, we soon rounded them back up and the only damage seemed to be a small tear on the back of Oscar, just as if he had gone under a barbed wire fence and got caught, we walked home and everyone seemed fine, the rest of Sunday was a nice relaxing day. julia had monday of work, the dogs all seemed fine, that was untill Monday eve about 10 oclock Oscar got up and was sick, I put him outside , cleaned up, let him in 5 mins later, he was dribbling from the mouth, his hackles were up and his breathing very heavy, within 30 mins Oscar was having a job to breath, I rang the vet, geting her out of bed, she said get over to the surgury straight away,it was nearly midnight. By this time Oscar was in big trouble his muzzle was facing the cieling sucking in every bit of air. Oscar spent 4 days and nights at the surgery, with a collaped lung. we picked Oscar up on Friday, at the same time we took our 2 old boys in and had them put to sleep, what a week, at this time Sunday 27 Oscar seems to be making a recovery, we dont know at this time if Oscar will ever race again. Has this type of injury affected anyone else in racing
Vince and Julia I have tried phoning you once I knew what had happened to Oscar. I am so sorry to hear about your mum and your oldies. Things just seem to happened in one great lump of bad luck. I hope that your bad times are over now.

I'm afraid that I can't help re Oscar. He is a strong and healthy dog so fingers crossed that he'll make a full recovery. Several people have had dogs with punctured lungs even if they haven't externally punctured them isn't a pneumothorax the same thing? A friends son threw himself on the ground and a knife went into his back and from there into his lung (army cadet incase anyone is wondering) and he went on to join the army and fight in Iraq. Got his commando daggers in training that kind of thing so made a full recovery.

Hugs to Oscar I've been looking forwards to being mugged for cuddles from him this racing season. In case anyone doesn't know who Oscar is he's the wonderful Armistice Day.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this Vince and Julia. I wasn't sure who the A Team were, but as I read on I realised it was you.

We know we are going to lose parents at some stage, but it's still a shock. Nice way to go though rather than a long and painful illness :huggles:

Poor Oscar, I wish him lots of luck for a full and swift recovery :luck:

Our best wishes to you both at this terrible time. We hope things pick up for you soon. Sending you both hugs :huggles:
So sorry to hear your sad news Vince & Julia. Our thoughts are with you. Hope Oscar makes a full recovery.

RIP Harold and Harvey
So sorry to hear your bad news,our thoughts are with you. den,pearl and boys
Hi Vince and Julia.

We are so sorry to hear about poor Oscars injury, give him big hugs from all of us, and Dylan sends loads of licks, Please PM us with your contact number xx
So sorry to hear what an awful time you've had Vince and Julia. Losing a parent and two of your 'dog family' so close together seems way too much to cope with. We do hope Oscar makes a good recovery, - he is a young, fit dog so should have every chance of doing so. We are thinking of you and wishing you a happier and much more settled time ahead. :luck:
Sorry to hear you've been having such a bad time. Hope Oscar gets better real soon.

I had a collapsed lung a good few years ago and although I'll never be race fit, I did go on to take karate lessons and do areobics 3 times a week :))
Dear Vince and Julia we are so sorry to hear of the sad losss of your Mum and two precious Oldies and are just stunned to say the least about what has happened to Oscar he had some great races with our Gazza and the rest of the Heavies he is a tremendous dog and we wish him a quick and successfull recovery. Our thoughts are with you both please let us know how he is coming along......Derek and Mandy....xx
Hi Vince and Julia, I didnt know who the A team were until I read Bee Jay reply. Thought you might like to know about my experience. many years ago, Darkling Ember had a spontaneous pneumothorax...collapsed lung.. at the end of a race, apparently they thought she had held her breath and let it out ibn a terrific "Whoosh". Oscar's symptoms sound exactly like her, nose up struggling for breath. she had it re-inflated and came home the same day. Unfortunately it was just before she was to have been mated to Time Keeper so that ended her breeding . Then when she was better and we were getting her back fit for racing , she was in the swimming pool, when someone came in, she barked and took in a lot of water and did it again, so that did put an end to her racing..... though she did live another 12 years.... but if she hadnt done it for the second time she had been given the OK to race again.. So sorry for your horrid time ,I hope things improve for you allnow and Oscar makes a complete recovery.
:unsure: Vince and Julia, so sorry to read that things have been so bad so far in 2011 for you all.. run free old boys (well done by doing the right thing for them) it never easy to say good bye to something that has been in you life for such a long time..

Vince my thoughts are with you for the loss of your mum.

As for Oscar, Angie was keeping me updated while he was in the vets, and i am so pleased he has continued to improve, and i hope he makes a full recovery :thumbsup: If any dog deserves to be a champion he does, he has taken 2nd spot to Maddie so many times and the day he got his half coat i was soooo pleased for you both :thumbsup: ;)

looking forward to seeing you both soon... take care

Sorry for the late addition to this thread but internet connection has been dodgy this week. So sorry to hear about your mum Vince. But what a peaceful way to go.

Many of us will know the heart wrenching decision you have made for your lovely Harvey and Harry, but you have always made them for the good of your dogs.

India and I wish our favourite Oscar a speedy recovery. In human terms a collapsed lung should not be any hindrance to sporting activity so hopefully that goes for whippets too.

p.s. never got the chance to congratulate you on Teddy's wonderful achievement last season. Look forward to seeing you both soon.