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What A Silly Boy


Grand Master...Fluffy & nice
Reaction score
Well the other night I was watching the telly and saw Kane sneak into his bed looking a bit sheepish a bit of a rustling noise and I was up to see what he was upto, well I'll tell you what! he had a pack of nicotine gum (w00t) and the worst bit he'd eaten one :eek:

He stole it out of my bag o:)

I nearly had a fit straight on the phone to the vet and he said don't worry just one piece may make him hyper and he may be sick but just keep an eye on him.

He was absolutley fine no effects whatsoever,I thought he was a dustbin before but now he's excelled himself :devil:

You still want him Ann :lol:
Il fight you for him Anne ...come on.. :lol: hes such a gorgeous boy ..little piggy he is too :lol: :wub:

LESLEY, KOBI sounds just like him.... :lol: btw hope the por lad is feeling ok.
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Yes please..................where can i collect him from :lol:

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I'll post him in a BIG box :thumbsup:
What a silly boy you are Kane :lol:

Gracie say well done Kaney babe for giving up the cigs and going on to gum :lol: :teehee: :lol:

I think Kane has a thing for handbags Lesley :- " remember the extra stong mints :lol: or may be he is a sniffer dog disguised as a whippet :eek: :p
jue332 said:
What a silly boy you are Kane  :lol:
Gracie say well done Kaney babe for giving up the cigs and going on to gum  :lol:   :teehee:   :lol:

I think Kane has a thing for handbags Lesley  :- "  remember the extra stong mints  :lol: or may be he is a sniffer dog disguised as a whippet  :eek:   :p

I think you're right Jue because he can sniff out anything edible no matter where it is o:)

I might try the gum myself one day :- "
(w00t) lesley you really must feed him more poor starving boy.... pinching chewing gum :lol: :huggles:
I have no gum but i have a couple of patches somewhere from when

i quit so Kane will be ok
(w00t) he's a monster :lol:

There is probably no safe place to leave anything that he cant reach - same goes for Callie and her hover-paws :huggles:
AnnSa said:
*Lesley* said:
I'll post him in a BIG box :thumbsup:
I'll be in and waiting for my special delivery

Am I the only sad person who sat and watched the whole banana dance (w00t) where do you get all these funny emoticons from?

By the way, Lenny ate half a pack of my lockets the other day :angry: he was ok, I just kept nearly choking with coughing fits :(