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What A C**p Year It's Been So Far


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Well so far this year has been just poo :(

On New Years day my auntie had a major stroke & is still in hospital, recovering very slowly. Then my laptop was pinched & I lost all my dog/cat/ferret photos. Then I lost my glasses, possibly posted along with a load of mail :oops:

And now my lovely little cat Snorkle has been missing for over a week & I've not even got a decent photo of her to put on the posters.

So to say I'm just a bit peed off at the moment is putting it mildly :(

Moan over, thanks for listening :b

Roll on February.
Sorry to hear you have had such a bad start to 2009. :( Sending positive thoughts for your Auntie, and hope you find Snorkle soon. :luck: :luck:
Oh that's all really pants :(

I do hope your auntie recovers well :luck:

It is terribly distressing when your cat goes missing, I really hope you get news of little Snorkle soon :thumbsup: :luck:
oh so sorry to hear your having a rough time julie,i do hope snorkle turns up soon :luck:
I am so sorry to read your list of 'bad things'...can I dare to be positive and say that is your 3 now! Not that I am an old wife or one to tell tales (!), but if you want to believe the old wives tale of everything comes in 3's, then that's your 3!

I hope your Aunt has a speedy recovery, I hope your cat returns swiftly and I hope the people who stole your laptop blow themselves up by sticking their wet fingers in a plug!

You actually beat me to the thread of 'what a cr*p year its been' though! I too was going to have a moan and not wanting to hijack your thread (you can tell, Im going to anyway!) 3 are:

1.Went on holiday to my husbands parents and his grandfather passed away while we were there.

2.Came home to learn that Arnie had cancer and had to have leg amputated.

3.just found out my car needs £600 of work done on it before it will pass the MOT (and the work can't be done till Wednesday)!!!!!

Feel better J.T
Sounds as tho it's been gloom & doom all round so far then :(

Thanks janis, that's one of my favourite pics of Snorky :wub: . I'll redo my Lost cat poster now with a decent pic on.
I hope the people who stole your laptop blow themselves up by sticking their wet fingers in a plug!

I do hope so :lol: Forgive & forget??? i think not!!!!!!

That comment made me laugh out loud for the first time in days, Thanks