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Wet or dry food?


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I thought our 13 week old puppy's diarrhoea had sorted itself out. Although much improved since we changed her kibble to a new brand which she's been on for about a fortnight she still has soft stools and sometimes quite runny. My husband is convinced she would be better on wet food rather than dry. Can anyone give me advice on this? Thanks.
It depends what is causing the diarrhoea. If it is a food sensitivity and the wet food contains that ingredient then it is not going to help.

I tend to favour good quality dry food. Wet food contains 80% water.

Take a look at the All About Dog Food website. It is excellent for helping sort the poorer quality foods from the better ones.

The general treatment for diarrhoea is to put them on a bland, home made diet for a week. Something like chicken and rice or egg and rice. Brown rice is best.

I am a big fan of Natural Yoghurt and give my dog a dessertspoonful every day. Any dog that has diarrhoea may benefit from it or even a stronger pro biotic like Forti Flora.
Diarrhoea can also be caused by overfeeding. I find the feeding guidelines for my dog suggest far more than he wants to eat.
Thanks for advice. I did use the all about dog food website when I chose what to change her onto and followed their advice. I've chosen a good quality dry food and think we should stick ŵith this for a few more weeks before we make any decisions. I don't think her pooh is that bad actually it is my husband who is more concerned but I'm thinking it might just be that she is still very young and tummy easily upset.
You could be right. Also, puppies will taste just about everything in their environment! I would still give the pro biotic/yoghurt a try and consider reducing the amount fed for a while as Joanne mentions.
Thanks. Will do. I bought some yoghurt yesterday. You're right about tasting everything - I found her yesterday eating a dead mouse left in the bushes in garden by our cat!!
Aaah! Her guts will, eventually, colonise with all that bacteria and so cope with disgusting eating habits!