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Wet Kennel Run = Wet Feet = Wet Bed In Kennel


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i dont think anyone will have any ideas but u never know. as the weather is canny crap @ the minute my kennel runs seem 2 be constantly wet either thru wee or thru being swilled down. as its not windy,warm or sunny it remains wet. then obviousky the dogs feet get wet so when they go into their beds their beds get wet, this isnt too bad 4 my adults as they have kennel paper bedding and sawdust by the door although the paper bedding does get a bit damp. the problem being the pups. they eat the paper bedding and sawdust and as they r trained to toilet on paper they wud do it on the bedding, so @ the mo theres a big box with vetbeds in with heatpads underneath but as ive said before the run floor is wet and as the pups run in and out of the kennel their feet get wet therefore their bed gets wet. so any help, suggestions or advice on getting run floors dry wud b greatly recieved. :thumbsup:
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used to have that problem with my old kennels carol all i did was put a better canopy over covered to 2 sides in the runs so only the face side of the kennel is open and redone the run flooring with a couple of inch pitch on it towards the face side

hope this works for you

andy :thumbsup:
i would of said get some viscween?don't know the spelling anyway its thick plastic

make panels so you can screw them on your frame work then just unscrew them when the weather picks up

or you can put them on hinges at the front i used them when i had my bird Avery

you could maybe use perspex for the top,you can get that conservatory box plastic pretty reasonable these days and

it looks nice and tidy then put some guttering on and a down pipe so the rain don't run back in...and here carol if that don't work

get some of them jlm magic rugs that dry there feet when they walk back in :thumbsup:
the run is actually covered in il c if i can find a pic, thanks 4 the ideas though. :thumbsup:
cant find any pics il have to take some. i was thinking about them mats kenny but wasnt sure if i was right in thinking it dries their feet. il have a look in asda later. :thumbsup:
Hi Carole, if your dog run is on level ground then the water will hang about so to speak, always done my dog runs on a slight incline :thumbsup:
Hi Carole, if your dog run is on level ground then the water will hang about so to speak, always done my dog runs on a slight incline :thumbsup:
have covered my roof mine in thick plastic similar to pond liner have incline on floor but squeege floor after swilling out gets rid of most of water mate has slabbed his run that goes to soak away before you ask no does not smell in summer
that stable matting carol on eBay,its about half an inch thick,hard wearing rubber,they come in a roll or square tiles it shouldn't be expensive to do the dog pen out,

and as Geoff says just put it on a slight incline,and its nice and easy to swill with a good disinfectant :thumbsup:

Found this pic of your kennel and run on one of your old topics Carole, and it does appear to be well covered :thumbsup:

I've spent £100s on kennels and runs, but they always end up in our house :lol:

But like Kenny says, try some of that matting :thumbsup:
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Found this pic of your kennel and run on one of your old topics Carole, and it does appear to be well covered :thumbsup:

I've spent £100s on kennels and runs, but they always end up in our house :lol:

But like Kenny says, try some of that matting :thumbsup:

thanx 4 pic geoff as u can c the run floor is wet, even if the sides get covered in this still wudnt dry the runn after swilling it or after theyve weed etc, any ideas on actually drying it? i think someone said squeegy it? do they mean kind of use a mop? its a concrete run, unfortuntly its not on an incline.

the pups wont settle out there and i think its coz their bed gets wet.

saw them magi carpets in asda kenny thgey nigh on 20 quid though.
Carol we had a similar problem so what we did was to put a thick piece of carpet just at the entrance of their bed so their feet are dryer when they get in the bed. Our kennels have a "walk-way" from the outside runs prior to their beds so we have room to put carpet on the floor infront the beds. Don't have any wet bedding anymore. Also, during the day when the weather it wet/cold we close the doors, once they have had a wee ,to keep them in, they can get out of their beds and have a walk/stretch - like I said the kennels have a walk-way behind the closed doors. Also once they have got "out of the puppy/playing" stage when the weather is bad they are glad to stay inside and out of the cold/rain - wells ours do anyway. Nothing like warmth/comfort. (w00t)
Carol we had a similar problem so what we did was to put a thick piece of carpet just at the entrance of their bed so their feet are dryer when they get in the bed. Our kennels have a "walk-way" from the outside runs prior to their beds so we have room to put carpet on the floor infront the beds. Don't have any wet bedding anymore. Also, during the day when the weather it wet/cold we close the doors, once they have had a wee ,to keep them in, they can get out of their beds and have a walk/stretch - like I said the kennels have a walk-way behind the closed doors. Also once they have got "out of the puppy/playing" stage when the weather is bad they are glad to stay inside and out of the cold/rain - wells ours do anyway. Nothing like warmth/comfort. (w00t)
thanks joan i might try the magi carpet near the door of the kennel as they have like a whelping box with vet bed in so they do have a walkway as such. i cud try keeping the kennel door closed too as there is a hatch they can get in and out of. mind iif u shut rio and gems door b4 3pm they lie with their heads hanging out of the flapper lol

Found this pic of your kennel and run on one of your old topics Carole, and it does appear to be well covered :thumbsup:

I've spent £100s on kennels and runs, but they always end up in our house :lol:

But like Kenny says, try some of that matting :thumbsup:
when you put your base down you was told by folk to put a incline to the run to a drain stays dry then :thumbsup:
its solutions im looking for lol (w00t)

shut the kennel door 2day but i had to open it as they like to run in and out thru the flap then the door etc then once that had stopped i shut the door they settled but not for long but it is freezing today. im kind of getting there slowly but surely., im deffo goin to get a magi matt thing.

Found this pic of your kennel and run on one of your old topics Carole, and it does appear to be well covered :thumbsup:

I've spent £100s on kennels and runs, but they always end up in our house :lol:

But like Kenny says, try some of that matting :thumbsup:

thanx 4 pic geoff as u can c the run floor is wet, even if the sides get covered in this still wudnt dry the runn after swilling it or after theyve weed etc, any ideas on actually drying it? i think someone said squeegy it? do they mean kind of use a mop? its a concrete run, unfortuntly its not on an incline.

the pups wont settle out there and i think its coz their bed gets wet.

saw them magi carpets in asda kenny thgey nigh on 20 quid though.
i have a rubber brush with ssqeege on one side got it from farm shop wouldnt be without it if i see any more will let you know but cant beat incline on run can you get it redone in concrete would be better
try a length of guttering carol with a down pipe leading away from the dog run.not be long now and the weather should get better.i hope :wacko:
after you have washed down cover floor with cardboard when thats wet thow away and replace it with more cheap and easy tom