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buzzing aint the word,i am taking my lurcher Dodger to Westhoughton tomorrow for a trial,he has just reached one year old,i have dreamt of this day since he was 15 weeks old when i bought him.Cant wait,was gutted last night cos someone from another site said it wasnt on this Sunday,i am going to take my other lurcher Gypsie Rose along at a later date as she is still a bit clumbsy on her feet,she wont be long till she is a year old,but knowing my luck she will come into season soon so it will be after that,cant wait never done it before.Bet i cant sleep tonight lol :teehee:
I read somewhere that there are no Lurchers at Westhaughton tomorrow as we were going to go?

Can anybody confirm?
theres a post on hunting life saying no racing on the 14th


Sorry to dissapoint but there will be no club racing tomorrow. This is because the majority of the club's members are whippet racers and we have a championships event at Highgate tomorrow. I did tell those who've been attending so sorry if you didn't get word. I would of thought you would of contacted one of us beforehand anyway because your youngster could of at least come along and watched before now which always builds confidence. :thumbsup:

None of us racers wait till our pups are a year old before we bring them to a track, whilst running is another issue, letting the pup watch, socialise and take everything in does them a world of good so I would suggest you bring both. :thumbsup:

If your hearts set on running tomorrow, I don't think it would be an issue trialling with the greyhounds but trials are £5 a go I think?

Ideally, you'd be best waiting till next Sunday (21st November) because you'll get more opportunities to trial your dog and there's plenty of people around to help and guide both you and your dogs. :thumbsup:

My number is 07852 328020 or you can phone Vicky on 07539 215674
We're racing and training this Sunday (21st November) from 1:30pm

Will bring the camera and hopefully get some piks of the newcomers dogs in action :thumbsup:
brilliant felt so guilty because i thought i had let Dodger down i came down with the horrid flu Saturday,been in bed till yesterday drinking hot toddies without the whiskey,so i will be definately there this Sunday with both Dodger and Gypsie Rose.Just going to trial Dodger though.Got yours and Vicky,s phone numbers now. :sweating: On one of my sites it said it was on then on another it said it was off. :thumbsup: cant wait,probably have to chase the lure myself,and my dogs watching lol
dogs have had a bath not that they needed it,been up since 6 am,bag of nerves,taking Dodger and Gypsie Rose today,waited along time for this and wait and see the dogs wont chase the lure :teehee: i can see myself doing it :sweating: need to lose weight anyhow.
well we went and we enjoyed it,Gypsie did a little chase,unfortunate i lost the bottle to look back and see her start.But she did well for her first attempt at chasing anything.What i am so proud of was the way she behaved.She has never been socialized with many dogs only the ones we meet up Rivy.She was great i cant fault her,also when a few dogs decided to have a run around i thought oh no Gypsie will do that but no, one call and she was there.So all those months of recall training paid off.There was some beautiful dogs there and well Gypsie Rose was like what can i say and not sound bad :teehee: a hairy tramp amongst ladies and gents in the dog world. :teehee: But i am looking forward to it again.Unfortunately Dodger cut his paw about an hour before we were leaving,but hoping its on next week as he should be ok,hope my nerves will have gone by next time. :sweating:
well we went and we enjoyed it,Gypsie did a little chase,unfortunate i lost the bottle to look back and see her start.But she did well for her first attempt at chasing anything.What i am so proud of was the way she behaved.She has never been socialized with many dogs only the ones we meet up Rivy.She was great i cant fault her,also when a few dogs decided to have a run around i thought oh no Gypsie will do that but no, one call and she was there.So all those months of recall training paid off.There was some beautiful dogs there and well Gypsie Rose was like what can i say and not sound bad :teehee: a hairy tramp amongst ladies and gents in the dog world. :teehee: But i am looking forward to it again.Unfortunately Dodger cut his paw about an hour before we were leaving,but hoping its on next week as he should be ok,hope my nerves will have gone by next time. :sweating:
You should be proud of Gypsy. Her behaviour really was top notch compared to my idiots.

Phoebe and Pagan both ran well but were sods at the end. Pepa ran well and sort of came back. Patton was given his first ever run (minimum distance) and he decided that it was play time at the end. The event would have finished an hour earlier if we hadn't have been there.

Thoroughly enjoyed it though and it gave the hounds a good run out.
Think all the dogs took to chasing well! :thumbsup:

It's not unusual for lurchers to have a bounce about at the end of a handslip. I think the distance isn't enough and they're a bit psyched up but on the other side of the coin if you took a new dog straight from the traps and it hit top speed at the bend it could end in disaster.

As they get used to the routine, running the full distance and chasing the lure through the bends you'll find they'll come in for the lure and picking them up will be no bother. :thumbsup:

Few tips, if you haven't been given any today with us being so busy,

Whoever owns the dog is always best standing at the trip. People worry the dog will run to them, not the lure but so long as you run over to the lure and give it a shake and some encouragement you'll find even those not inclined to chase the lure will do so just to please their owners (so long as it's clear to the dog that this is what the owner wants them to do)

I'd suggest those dogs that are mad keen are only brought out just before they're about to run as they can exhaust themselves with excitement and they're always a liability for slipping out their leads, putting themselves and other dogs at risk. It's also bloody hard work if your having to hold them for a while.

Be warned, those that are little psychos are known for eating seatbelts / dog leads etc so cage's in the car are your best bet or at the least parking a fair distance away in the car park so they can't hear the lure. (w00t)

Those dogs that are shy and apprehensive are best watching the goings on and getting plenty of goading from their owners when the lure comes past. Again, be careful that you've got well fitting collars and strong leads as they can and have been known to snap or slip them.

Don't stress or rush in getting your dog to run full distance out the traps or into competitive racing. All dogs are different and they get it together at different times. As an example, I have 4 youngsters, all 12months old. One is running in company, 2 have been having solo's from the traps and one was having handslips until today. All dogs are different so bear this in mind and try not to put yourself or your dog under any kind of pressure, it's far more important that you both enjoy the experience. :thumbsup:

I'll hopefully get the camera out next week. Brought it with me today but didn't get a chance to use it! :wacko:

Racing next week from 1:30pm
lol will be there again hopefully with Dodger as well as Gypsie Rose.Now Dodger is better behaved than Gypsie :teehee: watch him be the idiot :teehee: I did warn her to be on best behaviour, :teehee: give her a few more weeks and you will see the real her a true clown.
is it 1.30 tomorrow for lurchers as well told Dodger he better not do anything silly tomorrow before we are about to leave lol,looking forward to it again.Prayed all week it wouldnt snow well till Sunday is passed.Thanks