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Westhoughton Wrc


Maid Your Point
Reaction score
Midweek racing has now finished at A & T (trials this Saturday 1pm if anyone wants them).

Westhoughton will be starting back up on Sunday 19th September at 3pm.

Enq Mark 07843 595047

Bolton & Westhoughton Greyhound Stadium

Wigan Rd,



BL5 2DH.

All welcome :thumbsup:
Midweek racing has now finished at A & T (trials this Saturday 1pm if anyone wants them).
Westhoughton will be starting back up on Sunday 19th September at 3pm.

Enq Mark 07843 595047

Bolton & Westhoughton Greyhound Stadium

Wigan Rd,



BL5 2DH.

All welcome :thumbsup:

good luck

sundays much better for us.I wondre if any of these 4 Forrest Darcey Noah and scarlet tures out to be a bender what do you recon.
I reckon Scarlet will be your bend dog Wendy, hoping the noise of the hare keens forrest up too.

Also just to let people know we will be having a raffle so any prizes would be gratefully received. Jacqui will also have pictures available of the club dogs that raced with us last year.

Look forward to seeing our usual supporters along with a few new faces.
well shes round the bend so it should suit her lol. will there still be bacon buttys on at that time or do we have to bring our own
Haven't asked her to keep the canteen open this week as it wouldn't be worth her while if we had a poor turnout. I'll do some pies and bring stuff for people to make brews.
its not a problem aslong as people know they can bring there own stuff then
sundays much better for us.I wondre if any of these 4 Forrest Darcey Noah and scarlet tures out to be a bender what do you recon.

well wendy my maid your point offspring digga whizz is going round the bends great so u never know your maid u luck offspring will prob go round no bother. good luck :luck:
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dont think they wll be bend dogs well not this year they can all realy run but there still very imature late starters and i dont think they want gorgnsola cheese tide on the lure at wessy for Forrets lol. scarlets a diffent litter and got her head togethere more so will see how she does. you never know the lucky-lastc mob may suprise me. but i think there going to be near 3 before they get the plot its a good job im not in a rush with them
Just to let people know louise has just phoned and the hare has broke down this morning during trials so todays racing is cancelled. Just trying to get in touch with everyone asap as I don't have everyones number.
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Spoke to Louise and we're on for this Sunday 26th at 3pm.

All welcome.
GREAT aftermnoon at WESSIE today watching and running the dogs, nice warm afternoon plenty of dogs there as well , track look brill well done Rod and Louise :thumbsup:
We had a good afternoon too, a nice sunny day to ease us back into bend racing.

28 dogs in total and all went well.

Will post times tomorrow.
Nice to see a few new faces and people enquiring about buying pups. All the youngsters went well being slipped down the home straight Gud, Pixel, Stan & Benson. Maid Your Point, Maid u Run, Miles Away, Midnight Maid & Mr Solo also had slips down the home straight, Floless & Barney B Jones were slipped from the back straight and both looked impressive.

Trials over 2 bends were estimated at -30 by the track.

Just Paddy 16.01

Whiskey Fudge 16.68

Lurchers 17.89

Snip 17.72

She's a Flyer 17.12

Gingerbred 16.71 (I think - time's smudged)

Black Pearl 15.37 & Wally - 6yds

Jenny Taylor 16.62

Push the Button 16.18 & Twisted Sister -4yds

Red Moon Rising 16.06

Anagram 16.31

Poppy 17.12

We did another batch of handslips and then some races off time.

Black Pearl Sc - 1st n/t

Wally 6

Red Moon Rising Sc

Push the Button 2 - 1st 16.07 btsc

She's a Flyer Sc - 1st 16.95

Poppy Sc

Anagram Sc

Jenny Taylor 5 - 1st 16.61 btsc

Could racers give some indication as to who wants to run next week as some club members will be at the puppy champs but if there's enough dogs to pay for the stadium someone will run the club.
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great day yesterday track was best Ive seen it for a long time lovely pleasant afternoon pleased with my two Izzy a bit flat due to her season won't be there next week going to watch puppy champs best of luck with Bea :luck:
Nice to see a few new faces and people enquiring about buying pups. All the youngsters went well being slipped down the home straight Gud, Pixel, Stan & Benson. Maid Your Point, Maid u Run, Miles Away, Midnight Maid & Mr Solo also had slips down the home straight, Floless & Barney B Jones were slipped from the back straight and both looked impressive. Trials over 2 bends were estimated at -30 by the track.

Just Paddy 16.01

Whiskey Fudge 16.68

Lurchers 17.89

Snip 17.72

She's a Flyer 17.12

Gingerbred 16.71 (I think - time's smudged)

Black Pearl 15.37 & Wally - 6yds

Jenny Taylor 16.62

Push the Button 16.18 & Twisted Sister -4yds

Red Moon Rising 16.06

Anagram 16.31

Poppy 17.12

We did another batch of handslips and then some races off time.

Black Pearl Sc - 1st n/t

Wally 6

Red Moon Rising Sc

Push the Button 2 - 1st 16.07 btsc

She's a Flyer Sc - 1st 16.95

Poppy Sc

Anagram Sc

Jenny Taylor 5 - 1st 16.61 btsc

Could racers give some indication as to who wants to run next week as some club members will be at the puppy champs but if there's enough dogs to pay for the stadium someone will run the club.

Looks like you had a good afternoon :thumbsup:
Racing and trials this Sunday from 3pm. All welcome.