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Westhoughton Greyhound Club.


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Westhoughton Greyhound Track owner Mr. Rod Eccles,

has kindly given us the use of the track on Thursday evenings. (6-30 p.m. start). Next thursday, will be for all dogs to trial in . There will be a charge of £3

per dog for trials or racing and all dogs will be made welcome. Last time we had Afghans. a Phaero hound and even two huskys went round. There is no restrictions as to weight ,size or age. Flyers will be circulated hopefully throughout the whippet community, so we should (I hope) get a good response.

Racing on the greyhound card has now finished.

Come racing Cheers Mick
best of luck mick i hope you get the support you deserve and this is a success story
Good Luck with the club, it's a shame Mum works nights Sunday-Thursday we won't be able to make it.

Enjoy yourselves :p
Dogs already timed in this time, will not have to trial again. In fact we will put some races on to cover these dogs, whilst other dogs are trialling. So bring all your dogs, they will all get a run or two. Cheers Mick
:p It is very generous of Westhoughton to allow Mick to hold meetings on a Thursday evening and I do hope the "Bend" dogs wil give him all their support. As the whippets will all have to race of their times this will/should make very interesting racing. Certainly make a change from the old yd/lb. It is this sort of change in the format of racing that is required and may encourage more dogs to race when they should have a chance of winning. COME ON EVERYBODY WITH BEND DOGS SUPPORT MICK AND THE WESTHOUGHTON CLUB. We shall travel up from the West Midlands and support this and race ALL our dogs (well that is except Saxon Gem who tore a muscle yesterday when trialling) :cheers: Joan/Michael
Sorry to hear about your dog Saxon Gem Honeybee. Hope it's not too serious. Thankyou for your show of support. Cheers Mick
:) Fortunately, Mick it is not too serious, although it will mean she will be off for approx. 6/8 weeks by which time she should be in season. Dogs that have already trialled in - do you have to pre-enter or is it entry on the night? :cheers:
Good question, it would help me create some races and save some time if I knew what wanted to run, but even if you don't pre enter, I will put any dog already 'marked up' in a race too. anybody coming to Westhoughton on Thursday will get run/s.
brill idea mick as my dog master tornado needs all the practise he can on the bends as he is not very good, but unfortunatly it is too far for me to travel of an evening. hope everyone else enjoys this venue as its great of mick to do this

debbie :)