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Westerhopes Handicap Results


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Hi Carol, Results from Westerhope. _*Saturday 6th November 2010*_ What a lovely sunny morning and yet again all my friends came to see me.Arent I the lucky one.We had coffee and nibbles in the hut and Thanks to Vicky and Joyce for keeping my progamme up to date.Richards
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Results from Westerhope. _*Saturday 6th November 2010*_ What a lovely sunny morning and yet again all my friends came to see me.Arent I the lucky one.We had coffee and nibbles in the hut and Thanks to Vicky and Joyce for keeping my progamme up to date.Richards Dad kept the seat warm,[ well somebody has to do it ] It was a litttle nippy need to bring the bovril next week. 1st over the line was Jocyes _*Malone*_2nd was Daves _*Dillon *_They are out of the same litter [showman x Lil Aura ] and getting better each week. Time Trialing in today was Richards _*Cool Tess *_and _*Cool Tricks*_, yet again out of the same litter . Birthday party next saturday as all the pups above are one year old.Watch out for them at the opens next year. Bernies *Macspot *ran in the first heat with Arthers *Hells Ann *and Jimmys *Joseph.*I think it was close over the line. *Hells Ann won. Dillon* won the 2nd heat and as above went through to the final.*Levi* was back with a few less teeth but it did not stop him running. Arthers *Bound to Dazzle *ran in the 3rd heat but was pipped at the post by *Malone. *Alan brought *Jus- Rol* back [ Hellbound x Cassan ]He has been off for a few weeks but he came out of the traps light a bullit.We are missing Alans Dad but work has to come first. Tony was there with Bella and Sadie and Ellie for a run up..Tony gave Bernies pup a run with Ellie[ By Chance] From the traps it was a good run the pup ran straight as a die.Hope it will be in the handicap before Xmas.Richie was there this week with his Lurchers, Missed him the last two weeks. Alan won the domino card [Please no begging letters Im sure Brenda with pot the money]Russ timed in the dogs[ Not a popular job but somebody has to do it ]Trevour and Alan on the wheel.and of course Lar and Myself on the traps.[ You need plenty muscle on the boxes ] Yes its here again Xmas so the Raffle tickets will be on sale next week.If you have anything you would like to donate for prizes please see Terry.May I thank you all for your support , it is lovely see so many people on the track. Terry black reporting