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West Cornwall 2010 Open Results


Reaction score
Firstly thank you to all that helped out today and weight group sponsors donaters.

Well done to all,Some nice weather for racing,Just right.



14 -20 lbs



Summerleaze Bay

The Lighthouse Flyer

Bee On Say

Conway Tear


Parkstone Sweet Liberty

Maid By Milo

21 - 25 lbs




Evan Elp Us

Kinda Busy



Harber Schumacher

Satin Sundown



26 -32 lbs



Game On


Deadly Assassin

Rockabilly Rebel


Just Moses


Haribo 'o'




14- 19 lbs



RCH Mortons Double Take

RCH Kinda Cheeky

Mortons Crazy Days

Lighthouse Rumours


Cornish Tinker

Cornish Flame

20 - 23 lbs



Femme Fatale

RCH Sapphire Queens Topaz


Bolt From The Blue


Now't like The Devil

Pebble Nugget

Born To Be Wild

Harber Chequered Flag

24 - 27 lbs



RCH Sapphire Gem

Star of Twilight

Spud Ice

RCH Fenland Kass


Only Me

Cragrats In The Driving Seat

Whiphaven Mighty Smidge

Time & Chaos

28 - 32 lbs



Have You Honey

Armstice Day

Right Said Fred

Markamy's Marley


Code Red


Double Diamond



14 -20 lbs



RCH/VC Crystal Star

VC Opal Nugget

VC Lighthouse Mirage

Full Of Bellissamo


Whiphaven Moondust

21 -25 lbs



VC Whiphaven Mighty Smidge

Jack High

Cornish Fly


Parkstone True Blue

26 - 32 lbs



The Maginot Line

RCH/VC Star Of Wonder

Hawaii Five 'o'

VC Happy Days


VC Apache Jack Flash

Harber Ferrari



Game on

(Summerleaze Bay/Quiver) NR


RCH Mortons Double Take

Femme Fatale

Have You Honey

(RCH Sapphire Gem) NR


VC Whiphaven Mightymouse

RCH/VC Crystal Star

(The Maginot Line) NR
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What a lovely track and great organisation. We came down to Cornwall for the first time, wanting to support the club as one of the many unaffiliated clubs, who were also offering the coveted National points. It was a lovely friendly day, and we would like to thank the organisers. We will most certainly be back next year, and are looking forward to it already! On my programme 2nd in Main 24-27 was Star of Twilight, and also the veteran winner of ours was Mighty Mouse which is right in the supreme. Having said that I am impressed that you have the results on so quickly Lee - well done you!

We are sat here in the awning relaxing after a lovely takeaway, but all ready to hit the sack after a brilliant day. Well done West Cornwall :thumbsup:
Well done to all winners and finalists :thumbsup:

Also FEMME FATALE is a North West Champion and should have her title added before her name NWcH
Well done to all winners and finalists :thumbsup: Also FEMME FATALE is a North West Champion and should have her title added before her name NWcH

ARMISTICE DAY is also a NWcH :thumbsup

Im sure they didnt have time to put it on their entry forms but just to let others know who reads it :D
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Well done to all winners and finalists :thumbsup: Also FEMME FATALE is a North West Champion and should have her title added before her name NWcH
The club decided to put RCH in front of dogs names :luck:

Apologies to Armstice Day on missing out title,Will be corrected. Was a tiring day. :sweating:
LEE well done forgetting the results on :thumbsup: but nest time let some other sod get in the neck from these so called friendly racers well done. you done your best
hi could someone please explain how rch can be put in front of dogs names if the club is not affilliated to the wcra.

many thanks :wacko:
hi could someone please explain how rch can be put in front of dogs names if the club is not affilliated to the wcra.
many thanks :wacko:
They could have won their title when their club was affilliated , once the title is won its not taken away from the dog :thumbsup:
hi could someone please explain how rch can be put in front of dogs names if the club is not affilliated to the wcra.
many thanks :wacko:

But surely the fact that they are and their dogs associated to the governing body which granted the RCH status to them.

The same thing applies to non-ped racing as there are 2 governing bodies ie BWRA and NNWRA so i cannot see where the problem is here. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
hi could someone please explain how rch can be put in front of dogs names if the club is not affilliated to the wcra.
many thanks :wacko:

But surely the fact that they are and their dogs associated to the governing body which granted the RCH status to them.

The same thing applies to non-ped racing as there are 2 governing bodies ie BWRA and NNWRA so i cannot see where the problem is here. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
i wasnt complaining just asking a simple question - but obviously no one can ask a civil question without being answered nastily. thanks for your comments - happy racing
i wasnt complaining just asking a simple question - but obviously no one can ask a civil question without being answered nastily. thanks for your comments - happy racing
A civil question???? Mmmmm now let me see - why would someone who has been racing as long as you have ask such a ridiculous question?

If it was to get a rise, it didn't work. A dog that has gained a valid title will always have that title no matter where it races ;-)

Dogs at this open were called racing champions if that's what they were - and I certainly didn't hear any complaints at all, let alone their titles. It was one of the best weekends we've had for a while :- )
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why would i want to get a rise out of a simple question - obviously some peoples minds think different to others, im glad weekend was good - why should it be any different to any other race meeting ????
why would i want to get a rise out of a simple question - obviously some peoples minds think different to others, im glad weekend was good - why should it be any different to any other race meeting ????
Absolutely no reason at all! It was you that inferred it was different in asking why Champion titles were used!
hi could someone please explain how rch can be put in front of dogs names if the club is not affiliated to the wcra.
many thanks :wacko:
I didn't attend the West Cornwall open but, I know that the Andover, Gloucester and East Anglian clubs all recognised racing champions from both the NPWRA and the WCRA. They were all referred to as 'RCH'.

I am wondering how many clubs will recognise the title of NWch. Up until about three years ago, Steve Bryant used to run a sporting championship meeting every year, usually at the Independent club. Group winners were awarded the title of sporting champion(Sch). At subsequent sporting championship meetings the dogs would have Sch in front of their name on the programme but WCRA titles were not recognised. We have had six sporting champions but, never expected any other club to recognise that title at their open. Surely the North west championships are a similar thing. Does anyone think the WCRA or NPWRA will recognise the title of NWch?
if people dont wright down titles on the entry form ,how are the clubs surposed to know who are this that or other ,cos theres so many differant titles..... :blink:
Getting the thread back on track - I just wanted to say well done to Jane Rankin on Quiver winning his maiden group at his first open. He is a super looking dog, and it was a pleasure to catch him after his races yesterday. He has a lovely temperament, and being a parti colour on top of that too, I have fallen in love with him! I did tell Jane to count her dogs before she left lol
your entitled to your opinion as am i Trish, but there is no reason every club cant run its own "championships" so to add all of these is a joke, i would expect you to add them to the Northern open program but i wouldnt expect to see it listed with any other club open or championship tbh, ive NEVER added Maddie's sporting title and im struggling to think of ANYONE who has had it on a program unless running at the actual sporting champs....just my opinion of course ;)

just noticed your avatar julie, looks like you never use maddies full titles do you :wacko:
Thats what Julie is saying Trish - use the titles if you wish, and be proud of them, but don't expect recognition of them on open programmes :thumbsup: