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Went Hunting Today


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SO excited. I haven't hunted properly for about 10 years, the odd day here and there, but probably only about 5 days in those ten years. I bought my horse Clover in January with the intention to hunt him, but discovered that I had completely lost my nerve. I only managed 2 days last season and they terrified me as he was SO strong and has an absolutley HUGE buck, and I was far too scared to jump anything at all. I finally got the nerve up to go today. He pulled dreadfully for the first hour or so and I spent most of the time in front, and when I say in front I mean in front of the Master, who thank goodness was very tollerant. I was on the verge of giving up and selling him when we came to a jump. I had no choice, there was no other route and it was only about 2' post and rail so I jumped. I don't think I have ever had such a grin on my face. It was wonderful. I then jumped a much larger and rather trappy post and rail, abou 3', nearly came out the side door as he jumped huge and then we had to turn sharp left, but I clung on. The rest were not too big about 2'6" and uneventful. I love my horse so much.

I have never had a horse that jumped things willingly out hunting and was totally amazed by how much fun it is. I'm still grinning from ear to ear, and can't wait till next Wednesday when I go again.

Here are a couple of pics I took when a friend took him to the opening meet last month. A friend was taking pics at the meet today, so hopefully I'll be able to post them tomorrow.


OEH said:
SO excited.  I haven't hunted properly for about 10 years, the odd day here and there, but probably only about 5 days in those ten years.  I bought my horse Clover in January with the intention to hunt him, but discovered that I had completely lost my nerve.  I only managed 2 days last season and they terrified me as he was SO strong and has an absolutley HUGE buck, and I was far too scared to jump anything at all. I finally got the nerve up to go today.  He pulled dreadfully for the first hour or so and I spent most of the time in front, and when I say in front I mean in front of the Master, who thank goodness was very tollerant.  I was on the verge of giving up and selling him when we came to a jump.  I had no choice, there was no other route and it was only about 2' post and rail so I jumped.  I don't think I have ever had such a grin on my face.  It was wonderful.  I then jumped a much larger and rather trappy post and rail, abou 3', nearly came out the side door as he jumped huge and then we had to turn sharp left, but I clung on.  The rest were not too big about 2'6" and uneventful.  I love my horse so much.
I have never had a horse that jumped things willingly out hunting and was totally amazed by how much fun it is. I'm still grinning from ear to ear, and can't wait till next Wednesday when I go again.

Here are a couple of pics I took when a friend took him to the opening meet last month.  A friend was taking pics at the meet today, so hopefully I'll be able to post them tomorrow.



well done :thumbsup:

clover is :wub:

we had a breakfast meet yesterday, it was really good, we had about 60 here, so very successful, not many riders though, :( i took some photos, will try and upload them sometime,

well done again, i would love to hunt again, but i have completely lost my nerve!! :(

but my girl would love to.

here she is :wub:

[SIZE=14pt]wow hes gorguse and wel done you :cheers: [/SIZE]
i would love to hunt again, but i have completely lost my nerve!! :(

but my girl would love to.

here she is :wub:


She looks gorgeous, I honestly had totally lost my nerve too- I was nearly sick yesterday having to jump 1'6" and it was just such a wonderful experience today, I really recommend just giving it a go. The worst that can happen is that it's really scary and you go home from the meet, but it might be wonderful.
(w00t) Well Done you! (w00t) , Im sure you make a great team!! :thumbsup:

and brilliant job Clover! :wub:
So pleased you had a great day, I haven't ridden for years due to my long term back probs, don't forget the pix. :thumbsup:
Beautiful horse and eckseys - quality looking animals!

Well done for going for it :))

I used to do a bit of cross country, but haven't been near a horse for years :(
Fantastic pictures Olivia. A real credit to you....what a looker now... :wub:

Its many years since Ive been hunting too, didnt you both do well.. :cheers: jumping is a real thrill.

I love the feeling out on a hunt on horseback....nothing quite like it :thumbsup:
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Well done you!! I miss my horse dreadfully (soon to be ex hub has him although he was meant for my daughter), build up gradually and you will soon gain confidence as today has proven.

I rode from being a tot, hunted, team chased, evented, point to pointed then had my first child. Not too much of a problem and soon got back into the saddle, had my second who was very poorly as a baby and had a long break from horses as he needed so much care. I couldn't believe how much my nerve had gone when I finally did start to ride again!! Took a while but with much encouragement from trusted friends I got back into it and ended up reschooling a tearaway ex-racehorse (I love lost causes!!), and riding youngsters again. Only thing I found was that, on the wrong side of 40, I don't bounce quite as readily as I did in my 20's!!

Enjoy your hunting, TALLY HO!!! :cheers:
Well done Olivia he's come a long way with you, you've been good for each other :) - did you have a bit of dutch courage before you went out? :cheers: :- "
Fantastic :D :D :thumbsup: You must have had an amazing day :) :thumbsup:

I was planning to hunt Laddie all this season but 'cos my new stables have taken to long to sort out I only got him in on Sunday and I'm still trying to get the mud off him (w00t)

Never mind - time for 3 weeks roadwork and then a gentle start over Christmas and New Year :- "

If you've not got the nerve for hunting it's great down here on Dartmoor as we have no jumps - just moorland and fields with people to open gates for you :teehee: :))

I have a spare stable if anyone wants to bring their horse down for a weekend!!!! :thumbsup:
jinnyfizz said:
Fantastic :D   :D   :thumbsup: You must have had an amazing day :)   :thumbsup: I was planning to hunt Laddie all this season but 'cos my new stables have taken to long to sort out I only got him in on Sunday and I'm still trying to get the mud off him (w00t)

Never mind - time for 3 weeks roadwork and then a gentle start over Christmas and New Year :- "

If you've not got the nerve for hunting it's great down here on Dartmoor as we have no jumps - just moorland and fields with people to open gates for you :teehee:   :))

I have a spare stable if anyone wants to bring their horse down for a weekend!!!! :thumbsup:

You know Jinnyfizz, you might just find me taking you up on that offer- it sounds really tempting. Tell me when you've got Laddie fit and if you really meant it as it sounds good fun.
Rae said:
Well done Olivia he's come a long way with you, you've been good for each other  :) - did you have a bit of dutch courage before you went out? :cheers:   :- "

You know I thought I was really going to need it so I took two large hip flasks and I didn't touch either of them. I just had the glass of port at the meet. I have to admit that this was partly because I wasn't sure I wanted to take my hands off the reins for that long :oops: but if I had really felt the need I think I would have.
What a fantastic day on a lovely horse!!!

There's not much hunting around here so I've never been, but I did some Hunter-Chase events run by our local Pony Club and that was fun. I always chose the smallest jump option but my boy was so game I'm sure he would have taken on the hugest of jumps. He just tanked on and hugely enjoyed himself, even the water jump! Jumping a solid dyke (stone wall in Scotland) was scary but he cleared it by a mile. 3/4 round the track the first time I did it I had to pull up because I became exhausted with the adrenalin and couldn't hang on - it was embarassing but I managed to get back on to cross the finish line.

That was all many years ago. I've lost my nerve completely and don't ride at all now :( My hat has cobwebs in it and I've become mud-averse with age.....
Well done Olivia,& your horse is lovely :cheers:

I started to ride as a kid,but i had a bad accident when i was 13,which took me 6 months to recover from.Unfortunately,it left me stone deaf in my lright ear,& because of that i lost my sense of balance for years,& my nerve!

BUT,i started to ride again when i was 30,& though it took a lot of courage(& half a bottle of Brandy),i finally managed to go out hunting a few times,& did a few hunter trials too!

But i also found that once i got to the wrong side of 40,i didn't bounce as well,& after i broke my cocyx,i decided to call it a day as i nerve finally went :(
tally ho!

well done, glad you enjoyed it such as buzz, we are going this weekend.... cant wait. Im off to pull there manes ready for plaiting tonight.
OEH said:
jinnyfizz said:
Fantastic :D   :D   :thumbsup: You must have had an amazing day :)   :thumbsup: I was planning to hunt Laddie all this season but 'cos my new stables have taken to long to sort out I only got him in on Sunday and I'm still trying to get the mud off him (w00t)

Never mind - time for 3 weeks roadwork and then a gentle start over Christmas and New Year :- "

If you've not got the nerve for hunting it's great down here on Dartmoor as we have no jumps - just moorland and fields with people to open gates for you :teehee:   :))

I have a spare stable if anyone wants to bring their horse down for a weekend!!!! :thumbsup:

You know Jinnyfizz, you might just find me taking you up on that offer- it sounds really tempting. Tell me when you've got Laddie fit and if you really meant it as it sounds good fun.

Certainly did mean it, Olivia!!! :D You'd be most welcome (messy house, lots of whippies, cats and my OH etc etc!!!!) Got 2 spare rooms so you don't have to share the stable with your horse!

I'm on holiday from Friday week onward 'til 2nd week in January so will be concentrating on getting Lad up to speed during that time! We'd need a good weather forecast 'cos Dartmoor is EVIL if it's windy or raining so maybe we could aim for early springtime??? No point doing it if you don't get to enjoy the views ;)

No worries with a strong horse either - just point him uphill and he'll soon slow down (w00t) :thumbsup: Good old Devon landscape :teehee: :) I'll keep you updated by PM :cheers:

Jane x
Really envey you with your horses and hunting :x

would love to have a horse again as I really miss mine but my hubby is anti horses , one day I will have a nice quiet ride/drive cob , as I am 50 now and need pleasure not punishment :lol: :lol:
