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Thanks Heather & hello everybody.Where do i start???I'm relatively new to the show world of whippets.I showed gsd's for 18 or so years& when i lost my last gsd i rescued a wonderful whippetX & then got a whippet purely as a pet.unfortunatly,i lost these 2 precious pals last year & then i bought Flyn(Johnson Sylvana at Denimonde) .A friend said why don't i show him,he looks gorgeous & i thought why not,so 0ff i go to an open show when he's 6 months old & he promptly goes b.p, b.o.b. & in the last 10 for b.i.s.!!!!!! Guess who's now hooked! (w00t) A few months later,i went mad & acquired Alfie who's the biggest idiot on 4 legs!!! Alias Oakbark my Brief at Denimonde.Next step,their 1st!!! Can't believe it,Flyn wins the junior class & Alf's 3rd minor puppy.Guess who's going to Crufts!!! :D I'm very much looking forward to learning lots more about this wonderful breed & shall be attending sth yorks workshop in feb.Iv'e met a few of you already & shall hopefully meet a few more of you at crufts.

I'm an expert at dizzy blonde moments,I'm having one at the moment cos i don't know how to get my photos small enough in size to download onto this page,Heather's seen a snap of Flyn doing his aerobics or should i say airobics!!! which i thought you might enjoy,but it's665kb's (wotever that is !) & it says piccies mustn't be bigger than 75k.HELP!!!! Enough of my waffling 4 now Byeeeee,Debs
Welcome Debs, Looks like Flyn is well up on Karate to me, great shot.
yep,his brill at karate,i usually get a right hander where it hurts most when iv'e been out for a while!!!! his speciality though is taking a flying leap at me when i least expect it & he thinks i can just catch him(usually when iv'e come in with an armful of shopping)Bless him!!!He's a little angel really o:)

Has the subject of boosters ever been brought up? One of my favourite topics.
Thanks for posting the piccy Heather,how did you manage it? i tried last night but it wasn't accepted!!!
Hi lasvegas, the avatar just about sums up me & my whippets,all a bit whappy but happy!!!
Hi ya Debs, love the pic.

The subject of Vaccination has certianly been discussed a lot on here but your view on boosters could be intresting.

Wendy. :D
Hi Wendy,glad you like the piccy! My veiw on boosters is quite simple,DONT!!!!! I do have puppies vaccinated,which i dread,but don't feel safe enough using nossodes.I have, for the last 25 years worked on the principal that if your dog is out & about & mixing with other dogs & fed a healthy natural diet,it will build up a strong immune system.I,ve periodically had adults blood tested & they have always had high titre levels.

Interestingly, an aricle i read recently states that the Nth.American vet schools are revising their opinions on boosters,going so far to suggest that they do more harm than good.It goes on to say that if a modified live vaccine is given after 6 months of age it produces immunity which is good for life. if another is given a year later, the antibodies from the ist jab neutralise the antigens of the 2nd & there is little or no effect. The titre is not boosted,nor the memory cells induced!!

Has anyone ever read the book from canine health concern called "what vets don't tell you about vaccines".It's horrific!!! Byeee 4 now,Debs.
welcome alfyn777 any mate of Rubywhips is ok by me, See you at SYWC jackie & the Mulcairs :clown:
thanks Jackie,look forward to meeting you soon :cheers:
Dont associate with her-----------She'll lead u to the nearest bar---------probably to meet me :cheers:

OH GOODIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: